Chapter Forty Seven

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Arilynn Hamilton

We'd all decided that going on a short trip from Marbella to Monaco. A Google search told me that it was only an entire days drive to the country though I'd learned that eleven hundred miles wasn't actually that far since Nathan drove at surplus seventy-five miles an hour.

I'd also learned that such drives weren't common with the Winters anything that wasn't necessary to use a car they took some other form of moving locations. The Family was also extremely powerful, and too easily recognized in public despite having made sure that very few public images actually were able to be found and none of them were under their name.

Nathan had been telling me about how the city was the perfect balance of luxury and history. He'd also mentioned that the home they were staying at was more then every other home he'd owned because of how people like multi-millionaire's and billionaire's purchased lofts, penthouses, villas, all over the two square mile expanse of city to become so unbelievably expensive that even the penthouse he owned had nearly graced fifty million dollars, and even picturing that amount of money made me almost throw up.

He was seldom actually talking about money but he had disappeared between parts of normal life to attend to his business since of course he was the CEO and hours were balanced between his relaxing period and the time he was working. I was currently walking through the Syren as we'd all elected to use it as a taxi to get to Monaco, Nathan also had his jet moved to Nice so that once the trip was over it was home bound.

We'd also elected to do it in the dead of night, it was currently two in the morning and everyone was on the aft lounge drinking around a fire and talking while I walked through the halls of the ship.

I'd always found the seductive nature of luxury vessels to be so fascinating especially the marina in New York which I may have gone past at one point just to see Nathan's largest though three stood out next to it especially at night. I'd tried to go see them but that area of the marina was closed off by security which made me all the more curious. That was until I'd found images of a particular vessel all over the world.

Three of Nathan's dad's personal yachts were anchored in New York and I'd learned that those vessels were envied by many others in the city. Six hundred-ish feet was what the largest one was estimated to be. I didn't feel lesser either, I thought it was quite cool that the whole family lived like that, they were on top of the world and with a secured perch why would anyone not see getting close to them as a humbling experience.

At least I did.

Getting to a door that I hadn't noticed before, though the boat was quite large I turned the door handle and opened it to find myself in a glass paneled office with a black stained dedicated wall for shelving of files, and another for a fireplace flatly placed into a square marble wall with a rather expensive looking painting that seemed to change what the image was as you moved based on colour placement. The desk was of a similar design to the rest of the room contrasting as the surface was a steely black colour like metal that had been heat treated for several hours. Beside the marble faced double sided fireplace bearing wall, was a set of stairs that went down into a half level of the room, and if I had to guess beneath this reading space surrounded by steps was the jet ski, and speed boat storage area.

The library section was darker though and reminded me more of what a modern cigar lounge would be like though I couldn't picture Nathan smoking at all, unwinding with a coaster of bourbon, as he was doing in the company of his friends that I could picture.

He was also secretive and I knew it this area of the yacht would make some sense for since the boat was forty feet wide, and he had apparently given the lounge area no door out on either side of the yacht.

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