Chapter Sixty Seven

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Pulling down the driveway of the old frat house I found a spot beside the Carrera GT Lucian was currently test driving  though I had a feeling he'd end up buying it when his 911 was ready to be repossessed.

Getting out of my car I locked it and headed towards the front door before knocking politely and awaiting it to open while cool night air brushed my skin.

By now Arilynn will have gotten into the air since I'd given her full permission to use my jet. She'd denied the offer and used a charter which I was equally as fine with. I just didn't want her to fly publicly where someone could easily get to her.

The door then opened and I was greeted by Zavier who wrapped me in a one arm hug, his free hand held a bottle and I instantly knew he was drinking heavy tonight.

"If you get plastered, don't throw up on my car" I warn giving him a narrow eyed look.

"No promises" he says and I give him a look before pointing to him.

"Don't think about throwing up on that car, or getting drunk enough to do so".

"I won't" Zavier says before leading me through the house to the mini bar and lounge area where we had put in a pool table.

"Look who the cat dragged in".

"That's a stupid fucking expression, why the hell would a cat drag me in. I also don't like cats" I say leaning against one of the shelves where picture of all of us during our Thornbrook days were.

"What why?" Michael asks.

"They remind me of mini serial killers, homicidal motherfuckers" I mutter and the boys laugh lightly.

"You're a homicidal motherfucker" Theo says, "you have almost beaten someone to death".

"No I have not, I've threatened to but that's different" I defend.

"That sounds like my brother" Izzy says.

"Abigail is the little dark one out of all of us. She'd probably help" Julian says pointing to his girlfriend with his pool stick before Abigail glared at him before hitting the ball and just missing the center left pocket.

"If my brother asked any of you to help him hide a body you would help" Abigail says as Lucian chalks the end of the cue.

"None of us would find out" Lucian muses and I just smirk.

"Hear that Ambrose better behave then" Amelia says and I watch Theo and Lucian remain tight-lipped while fighting laughter though a scoff escaped Lucian hiding the suppressed laugh from Theo.

"He's never going to. It's Zavier Ambrose" Yana says.

"I am being abused" Zavier says and we all just laugh at him as he sulked in the corner of the room before tipping back his bottle.

"So dramatic Zavier" Lea says before taking the bottle and sipping from it.

"He's always been dramatic, it's why he's best friends with Theo" Izzy says.

"They can be the dynamic duo of idiots" Lucian teases before striking the red ball into a corner pocket.

"Zavier, we're being bullied" Theo groans and I just smirk before walking into the kitchen to get something to drink.

Walking around and opening cupboards for a moment I eventually settled on whatever may have be in the fridge to pass as acceptable. Scanning the shelves I spotted a can of the San Pellegrino that I had bought in cases when we all had moved in, and took one of them before going back to find my friends in a debate even though the pool game had continued.

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