Chapter Twenty Three

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Scarlett Louviere

Backing out of the garage of the Sorority I was doubling with Vanessa on my way to a party by on the opposite side of New Haven.

Following behind Courtney and Tessa who both were semi speeding but they'd wanted to. Vanessa was with me because of her car breaking, so it had to get flat bedded to Rolls Royce Greenwich.

She was quiet and the longer she sat there the more I picked up on small mannerisms of the Winters-Saint Laurent Family. The way she sat with her legs crossed regardless of situation how she leaned into her arm while looking out of the window, and fiddled with the two rings on her hand by brushing them together making soft taps.

She looked like the Deputy Comissioners daughter, if I had to guess and since I knew that not long after Izzy was born apparently Adrian's cousin who was both Deputy Commissioner of NYC and bore the surname Saint Laurent; him and his wife had a daughter.

Something learned while with Nathan.

That was where I'd never gotten filled in how was Vanessa was able to afford the black Rolls Royce we all knew she owned. Now it made sense.

The New York Saint Laurent Family maintained close ties to the Winters. That piece they let be public what most people didn't know was that they themselves were worth thirty-two million dollars. I learned that by attending a gala even a few weeks before Christmas break.

"Vanessa why do you almost never leave your room, I think we all see you once or twice a day?" I ask because the silence isn't helping the intimidation factor she has.

"I like my own company, pretty used to it" she says simply, "you don't have to make conversation with me just because I'm in your car" she adds looking over at me and instead of seeing a judgemental expression I see one that is humbled, and relaxed.

"I'm making conversation because I want to, and because you are imposing" I comment which got a laugh out of her.

"Me intimidating, that's a load" she says and the accent comes out which caught me off guard as far as I knew the Saint Laurent's were Greco American, and only became British on one side of the family, when Adrian's mom met his dad.


"You are, you just carry all this confidence, and it's hard to miss. You just seem in control" I explain.

"Scarlett, you're the one the girls were excited to meet. Your family means something to people, mine is just remembered as a law enforcement family, and my mother is an accountant. Not exactly the most loved kind of jobs from an outside perspective".

"Your dad isn't a crooked cop though, and mom must be a good accountant. Those are people to look up to and learn confidence from" I say giving her a smile before I stopped to wait my turn, and pre scanning the intersection so I can go.

"I have confidence because I want to work hard, and get an opportunity to join a good company, I'm taking my MBA in Finance" Vanessa says.

"Where do you hope to end up?" I ask and she's silent for a moment and looked to be genuinely thinking about her answer.

"I can't be specific, so one of the four families companies in my hometown of New York".

"You might see me then, my family moved there last year" I say and the gears turn in her head before she snaps her fingers and looks at me.

"That's right, Louviere, didn't click until now" she says. "Maybe I can get a slide in for being dormmates with you" she says and I hum.

"Maybe" I muse and she gives me a grateful look before it turns back to her controlled passive one.

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