Chapter Twenty Nine

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Turning around I saw Derek stalking towards us, his jaw clenched while his hands were so tightly held they had turned white.

Nathan on the other hand turned around looking incredibly bored as if nothing was going to trump him, and that split second reminded me all I needed about Nathan. He may have been just as intense at his dad but that was also what made him so intimidating and stoic when it came to people being aggressive towards anyone.

"Did you not here me, get the hell away from her" Derek says and in a single motion Nathan stepped to Derek keeping his expression completely plain.

"Your girlfriend can talk to whoever she wants Halloway, but I will kindly remind you that aggression isn't attractive when it's without context or reason. So I can tell you now that if you are about to try and be the big man on the block I suggest you have good reason for it" Nathan delivers stonily before a smile that was as sly as a fox flickers across his lips.

"Or of course you could find out how scary I can be when I lose my temper" he added with no malice what so ever, that was the switch I hadn't expected how in two months since I last saw him his temperament had been put in check. The funny part was I know that just means that if he ever were to break it would be worse for the dumbass to put themselves in that situation.

"Are you threatening me Winters?" Derek challenges and I am left to stand there and stare between them wondering what was about to happen.

"Not at all Halloway, just putting forward that you need to watch how you address people. But if you must know Scarlett came to me. Well she was ogling my car, followed me to Starbucks, I bought her a coffee for old times sake, and we've been catching up. I was actually about to tell her an important piece of information before you showed up rather brazenly".

"And what is that piece of information?" Derek asks moving back as a clear way of showing de-escalation.

"Winters Group is starting a war with her parents and pulled their investments across their entire economic sphere and half her parents business value disappeared. Oh and Derek, just remember I know what happened ten years ago with your family, ask them if you don't know, which considering this dynamic neither of you know" Nathan says before turning and walking away before stopping and turning to the both of us.

"Have a good rest of your trip, and I wish you two the best. You look good together" he adds and Nathan disappeared through the rain as it thickened about us turning into a falling onslaught.

Derek then turned to me with a look of confusion.

"I didn't realize that was Nathan Winters" he says glancing in the direction Nathan had walked away in.

"Yes it was, also what he said is true I was kind of ogling his car" I admit and Derek gives me a raised eyebrow look of curiosity, "he drives an Aston Martin".

"Hmm, he got the firsts of you having a rich boyfriend then" Derek says and I could tell he said it in a joking way based off the smile on his face.

He then pulled me to him and moved my hair off of my face as he stared down at me.

"But I hope to be the last" he says and I internally swoon.

"I hope that's true. Also we should go somewhere that's warm" I say and he nods before pulling out his car key.

"My car is this way" he says and upon reaching his large Escalade he opened my door and ushered me in before he too got into the SUV.

As we warmed up I glanced into the mirror and saw the headlights of the black Vantage rolling through the rain until it passed by us and I heard Derek whistle.

"Your ex has good taste in cars" Derek says and I hum knowing that talking too much about Nathan could definitely cause problems since talking about one's ex too much isn't at all attractive or even appreciated. It gets annoying after a while.

"You can say something about him. Doesn't bother me. He's good looking, and has likely earned that car at his age. Wish I could say the same" Derek laughs.

"He grew up in a different household them most, don't let the spotlessly clean Aston or his well kept appearance fool you" I remark and he looks at me with a curious expression.

"Not my place to say more. If you two get along ever I'm sure he'd tell you. Just he doesn't trust easy".

"He's difficult to understand. Not lying I thought he might actually have thrown hands. But he went back to being perfectly civil".

I laughed lightly being able to think of a time when that wasn't the case at all.

"Don't try to understand him, I spent seven months trying to and I learned that all his actions have meaning just, I didn't see him mature so quickly in four months".

"What else did you learn?" Derek asks.

"I learned how to pick up on small cues of expression, now I just have to figure out what they mean. Nathan was a lot better at it then me".

"Did you date anyone before Nathan, I don't remember if you told me" he says putting the vehicle in drive and pulling away from the curb.

"Yes I did I previously attended Louis Lycée in Paris and dated a guy, who was distant and got cheated on. I left with my head high. I just didn't feel valued, though I didn't really open up to him. I was young and expected to be given love though I don't really know if I was more entitled then I thought".

"It takes a lot of time alone to realize mistakes we've made. I made my own I became distant from my ex because of never feeling equally treated. Didn't know how to be a boyfriend I guess. Made me approach everything with a more open mind".

"You mentioned how you fucked your exs best friend and then regretted it".

"Yeah I was too scared to admit to it, and so when the best friend got nervous about it she told my ex. I have no idea what was said or how it was worded but I know I didn't lie when confronted. I thought about how I wish I could be the person I am now to treat her right. To do all of it right" Derek says.

"I left Paris a week after finding out about the cheating incident, made me take no shit from anyone. Went though a cautious relationship, and now I'm here with you, dating you" I say and I see Derek's lips move but I have no idea what it was for.

"Did you say something?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No just breathing. Kinda warm in here" he says giving me a small smile.

"I'll turn the heat down" I say shifting in my seat to turn down the master dial.

"Also I'm sorry you got cheated on. Genuinely feel bad, probably makes you uneasy knowing your new boyfriend had cheated".

"You seem remorseful for it, which tells me you wouldn't do it again" I say and he taps the wheel in what seemed like apprehension thought I wouldn't be able to guess why.

"I certainly wouldn't do it to you. You're a kind girl, and only an asshole would break a girl like your heart" Derek says before looking back at the road while I softly smile into the reflection of the glass.

Something I liked about the relationship I had with Derek was that there was a purity and an innocence to it. There wasn't teasing or banter which saved me from playing word gymnastics with him allowing me to just enjoy the moment.

He made me happy and I was grateful for it though that was momentarily cut off as I thought about what Nathan said about neither Derek or I knowing about what happened between our families. What could he know that neither Derek or I knew about? And just how bad was it?

This is a book of family secrets which I didn't really mention but it's here, just don't take anything at face value in this book. Comment, vote, and share, also maybe if you're new to my books and like this one follow. Anyways


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