Chapter Twenty

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I walked into my final lecture of the day placing myself in the back as best as I could where I could take my notes in peace. In a few days I was going to go to Greenwich to hopefully see Nathan and congratulate him. I could also get past whatever it was that was going on in my head revolving around him that I disliked so much.

I needed to find someone else, he'd even say that to me, that was just what he was like and I knew it. Nathan said what he meant, and stuck to it even if it ruined him. But he was also good at wording things that had duality in meaning, so I practically felt mind numb whenever I was trying to figure out the raven haired boy.

Looking out the window was when I saw it the collection of black Mercedes stop along the curb and the handful of men get out before I noticed the Maybach in between the four SUV's and the back door be opened for a very familiar man to get out of the back.

Adrian. He moved quickly and that only told me he was here for a reason, what that reason was I didn't know but he looked like he was on the verge of enacting vengeance for something.

I then watched the doors open and Derek stepped in moving slowly around the room until settling behind me with his legs crossed and one foot on the bar behind my chair.

"Woah, who is here that needed that many bodyguards?" he asks and I turn to see that he had noticed the convoy and was now wide eyed as he stared at it.

"No idea" I lie because I was also well aware that Adrian liked his privacy and if he could avoid being noticed he would.

Weird thing about being his neighbor.

"That's impressive, maybe the district Dean, or a student's upset parents because their bribe wasn't accepted" Derek suggests.

"Mostly I just think it would be annoying" I say, "being that rich".

Derek then looked at me with mild confusion, and I wondered why but dismissed it.

"How so?" he probes running his tongue along the back of his teeth.

"I just think, that if anyone is casually showing up to a place in probably two million dollars in cars. They have too much money" I answer and he nods.

"The Louviere family lost a bunch of money the other day right, and you still drive a Ferrari" he comments and I sigh.

"It's the cheapest car I own" I say feeling slightly ashamed for it.

"It's not to make you feel back Scarlett. Your family is fortunate, what's worth more then that money. Materially of course. I can think of a few things that money can't buy" he says, "I fucked that one up" Derek adds somewhat shyly and I laugh watching him rub the back of his head.

"You want to retry that?" I tease and he gives me a playfully narrow look.

"I'm saying be proud that you have opportunities others don't, and cherish the things that mean something to you outside of money. Too many people get consumed by it and it takes most things from them. Or reputation gets in the way and things that are meaningful are lost" he says and once more he gives me a look I can't quite decipher though I wish I could.

"Well I don't have a lot that means anything to me here. Even my dormmates spend more time getting drunk or fucked to care".

"You also spend a lot of time with me or alone. Also your dormmate Vanessa, she's not all that she seems" Derek laughs.

"What do you mean?" I ask furrowing my eyebrows before our professor starts the lecture.

"Tell you after class" he says leaning back in his seat while I do the same so that she doesn't call me out again in this classroom, and forcing me to answer any questions.

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