Chapter Seventy Two

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Nathanial Winters

Rain peppered the window of the top floor suite of the Four Seasons hotel. Thunder cracked outside and flashed bringing light into the dark room that I hadn't turned on the lights too. I preferred the dark, I wanted it. Weirdly enough I felt comfortable in the dark where no one could touch me, or influence my racing thoughts. The tapping sound that overlapped with the previous impact of the falling water aligning with my thoughts, and never once did I allow my thoughts get the better of me though they were desperately trying to do just that.

I had to find a way to locate Arilynn before Kennith did, I didn't want to see her be harmed, and I'd thought about all of the malicious things that I'd do if I caught him. I hadn't slept either, I'd been sitting in the top floor drinking a bottle of Crown Royal, the real whiskey bringing me a different kind of elation and euphoria while I thought. Sticky notes were plastered on the window panes nearby as I attempted to come up with a cohesive plan to stop Kennith who on the first chance he got for harming Arilynn he'd take.

I had a special gift for her as well one that I had recently bought and wanted to give to her when she got home to New York though I knew that perhaps I'd be able to give it to her here in Seattle and without issue regarding time, or the fact that I was where she was after promising her that I'd give her space so it didn't seem like I was hovering all the time.

Another flash of lightning illuminated the room and I took a sip from the coaster I held, the boys were already asleep in the separate bedrooms while I stood out here having several hours prior insisted that they go to sleep. Hours alone were always better for me, and I knew it. It was exactly what would give me all of my peace, and the ability to think without distraction. I was also taken by a hollow feeling in my chest. I didn't know how to get rid of it, and in my personal experiences I had turned to disappearing for hours, or drinking.

That went well last time.

I could still remember leaving the house by the Ashokan Reservoir and going to sit by the lake in a spot where no one would have found me, yet Scarlett had gone to my parents and told them what happened. She had then found me with their help. I always ended up putting the people I cared about in danger, and that was my personal curse, I cared deeply for people, and in response life gave me shitty scenarios that always brought me to the chance, or event of losing anyone who gets to close. I couldn't lose Arilynn, Scarlett and I worked but even I could see that she was a hell of a lot happier with Derek.

Arilynn was the one I'd pick out of eight billion people, and I had a feeling deep down that would never change. There had always been something about her that made me feel drawn to her. There was never a need to change or adapt to anything and I liked it. I also had approached the relationship differently. I wanted to just put everything behind so that I could focus on the relationship I was in. Or at the time persuing.

Now here I was looking for a way to ensure that my promise to her remained true. I didn't want anything bad to happen to her so I was going to do everything in my power to do so, and make sure that nothing bad did happen to her.

Just didn't think I'd be tipsy while figuring it out.

Turning away from the windows I walked back to the table in the middle of the room with a map on it that I'd paid for and drawn on with the route from the penthouse at Escala to the modelling agency on Cherry and Fourth. I kept making a list of all the places that would have the best vantage point for guarding the route too and from Escala to the venue where the shoots were taking place. Arilynn was also unaware that Kennith was in Seattle and if she didn't know the higher the chance of finding him, and getting him arrested there was.

Just where the fuck would he host the attempt? Fuck.

Letting out a sigh I practically snatched the glass and downed the rest of what was inside the coaster.

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