Chapter 35: Bakugo Rescue Squad

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On UA, some professors were talking about the incident after having a serious meeting regarding the security of the premises. And during their talk, they heard the door slide with strength revealing Pro Hero Captain Boom.

"Saku?!!!!" Present Mic exclaimed, surprised she was there.

"I want an explanation, now," she said looking at them with fierce in her eyes.

"What are you doing here?" Aizawa asked

"Nezu called for me, he said he wanted to talk about something with me, but I wanted to ask you first," The Captain said before she walked up to Aizawa "What happened?"

Aizawa gave a heavy sigh "We have the suspicion there is a traitor giving information to the villains, they were there with the sole purpose of kidnapping Bakugo, they tried to kidnap some others, but they were saved by fellow classmates"

The Captain closed her eyes for a second and fixed her posture.

"Do you guys know where he is? Or have a clue?" she asked

"One of our students placed a tracker on one of the villains, and a civilian once saw a suspicious person which we believe to be Tomura Shigaraki. Meaning that we have locations for both the Nomu creatures and the League of Villains hideout" Aizawa replied

"So that's why Nezu called me?" The Captain asked

"Not exactly," Nezu said entering the room "I indeed think your agency would be of great help in the rescue and raid of the locations but I came to offer you something"

"An offer?" The Captain asked while looking down at Nezu

"I want you to train Class A, give them the training that they need to learn self-defense. Nothing better than you to do so" Nezu exclaimed

"HUH?!!!!!" Both the Captain and Present Mic exclaimed in disbelief

"Me? A teacher?" The captain asked in surprise

"You are already a great mentor. Every student that goes with you ends up having the best of changes for the better, and since villains seem to be targeting Class A, we need them to be ready. We don't know how successful the rescue will be, failure is always a potential conclusion, so I just want to ask you that favor. Maybe you end up liking it and stay to become a teacher finally" Nezu replied

"As much as I am a mentor, I don't think I can be a teacher. I can accept giving a defense class, I could even bring my son, but... I currently am holding an investigation which is taking all of my time" The Captain replied "It will all depend on the resolution of the rescue"

"What sort of investigation?" Present Mic asked

"it is classified, but sure, I will try to provide my assistance in training. I will also provide a squad and my personal support on the mission of today, I plan on being by my husband's side, but if you need me on the raid at the hideout, I will do so," the Captain replied

"All Might will lead the hideout raid along with Edgeshot and Kamui Woods," Aizawa said 

"So I will only be with Best Jeanist and my husband," Captain Boom said while thinking a little "Any amateurs coming?"

"As far as I know, Mount Lady will also be joining you with Tiger from the Wild Wild Pussycats. I am not sure, they will give all the information in the Strategy reunion that will start soon" Aizawa replied

"Very well..." The Captain said before Nezu and Present Mic left the room "Shota..." The Captain said when only she and Aizawa were left in the room "I heard you allowed them to use their quirk at the forest... why?"

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