Chapter 38: Symbol of Peace

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"Now, I can defeat you without reserve! All For One!" All Might screamed at the top of his lungs

"We've got two left here, too!" Gran Torino said 

"They have nowhere to run" Captain Boom said while she was standing on one of the sides and Gang Orca was standing on the other, making sure that they were surrounded. 

"Let's end this!" Gran Torino screamed 

Captain Boom took out her guns and pointed them at Toga and Shigaraki who were the only ones who had not been knocked out yet.

"Tomura, I don't want this to end!" Toga screamed while squirming her body

"They got us. They neatly turned the tables on us in one move," All For One said while he activated the quirk he previously used on Kurogiri on Magne to activate her quirk and make all the men be magnetically attracted to Toga 

"Not so fast!" Gran Torino said while launching himself at Shigaraki who was attempting to dust him, only to get a kick on the head

"Huh? Huh? huh?!!" Toga reacted as all the men were launched towards her "Wait, if you come at me that fast...!"

"No, you won't!" Captain Boom said while shooting in the villain's direction, but her bullets were stopped by one of All For One's quirks while the male villains were pushed toward Kurogiri's portal

"Wait, don't, Master!" Shigaraki screamed while trying to reach All For One. Still, Gran Torino, Gang Orca, and Captain Boom were running towards him only to be stabbed by All For One's quirk so they could all be pushed to the side, letting All For One throw Magne in the direction of the portal so they could leave "With that body, you'll..." he said before disappearing in the portal.

"Tomura... you must keep fighting. Have no fear. This is not the end," All For One said

All Might was about to throw a punch to All For One while the other three were about to go and help him but were drowned in a gray goo that transported them right in front of him, making them receive All Might's punch. Luckily Gang Orca shielded Captain Boom a little so that she wouldn't be in a worse state. 

"S-Sorry!" All Might said while the three of them were launched with rough strength filled with blood from the damage caused by All Might's punch but then were wrapped again in All For One's gray goo to keep them right next to him

"I only came to save Tomura, but if you say you are going to fight, then I will, too" All For One said while the three heroes were almost unconscious thanks to All Might "In the past, that fist crushed one after another of my comrades, and you were extolled as the Symbol of Peace. The view you had from atop our sacrifices... It must have been a great one. Let me return the favor..." he said while extending his arm to the gray goo with several red lightning surrounding it, causing their bodies to squirm a little in reaction.

"Detroit..." All Might screamed while taking the three of them from their clothes to pull them out of the goo "SMASH!" he continued as he used his other hand to land a blow directly on All For One's extended arm. The wind and shockwave were destroying a part of his hero suit and even causing the other three to almost be blown away if it weren't from All Might's grip.

"He forcibly negated it, huh?" All For One commented once All Might backed up after the blow so that they could be in a safe spot

"I won't let you fight without holding yourself back," All For One said "I'll make sure you are at your weakest and that everyone around you suffers thanks to your actions"

"A-All might" Captain Boom whispered with a trembling voice making him look her way only to find her with a smile "I'll take them away, I was protected by my husband so my bones aren't fully broken, I can still move"

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