Chapter 12: Secrets

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The alarm went off. Aoi opened her eyes thinking it was going to be another day for classes, but when she snoozed her alarm she looked at the reminder in the screen telling her that she had no classes today. In an attempt to go back to sleep again, she covered her head with her pillow, but noises from downstairs started to overpower the room. 

She let out a grunt and sat on the bed while scrubbing her eyes, she stretched, and fixed her hair a little before looking at the mirror. She couldn't see herself. Her face was covered by a sinister shadow, a sort of glitch that made her head get dizzy and the longer she stared at her reflection, the more lightheaded she would feel. Whispers in her head started to be heard, as if the shadow covering her face was taking over her. 

She looked away scared. She wasn't sure what was going on. Why she couldn't see her face anymore. She attempted to look back again, but this time her reflection was way different. It was her, but at the same time it wasn't. Her hair was straight, floating as if it was underwater, no part of her face was visible, while some of her limbs seemed to be see through. 

"I must be too tired..." Aoi said to herself while looking away from the mirror and using a blanket to cover the mirror so that she could avoid looking at her reflection.

The noise from downstairs kept going and Aoi decided to use that to her advantage and head over there to distract herself. She noticed some of the staff cleaning and her grandmother's personal maid in the kitchen with her grandmother who was cooking.

"Morning" Aoi said with a smile before sitting down in one of the kitchen chairs on the table island.

"Shouldn't you be heading to school young lady? Aoi, you need to get early, I don't like those habits of yours of waking up late" her grandma said while pointing at her with a knife with sharp eyes.

Aoi used her quirk to point the knife away from her "Noup, they gave us a day to recover after the battle tournament" she answered with a smile while showing some of the injuries she had due to her fight with Bakugo "I will probably fix the garden or go and buy supplies for the shop to spend the day since I really didn't have plans for today. Aikou is most likely with her mother"

"Nonsense, after winning yesterday you should take a rest" her grandma said while she started chopping some fruits and placed them in a bowl "Since I wasn't planning on you being here to have breakfast, I only took fruit for myself, but let me prepare you a plate as well" her grandma said with a smile while heading to the fridge and taking out more fruit.

Aoi giggled a little and smiled back at her. She noticed that in one of the plates in front of her, she could see her own reflection, and just like in the mirror, it was all distorted. It was her, but it wasn't her. A huge sense of discomfort filled her as she remembered what happened the previous day. The whispers, the voice, the thoughts, everything. 

Aoi took a deep breath, and looked at her grandmother. She fidgeted with her hands a little before she decided to talk "So... you know that 'awakening' thing you are always warning me about? How do I... know if I have it?" she asked trying to use a hypothetical tone.

The moment she finished her question, her grandmother stabbed the cutting board in shock while she stared at the stabbed spot for some seconds. She took a breath and looked at Aoi full of concern "You think you have it?! We have to take you to the treatment facility, I will call your professor right now and let them know you will drop the course until further notice" her grandmother said almost screaming while she went over for the phone.

Aoi looked at her concerned and used her quirk to keep the phone away from her "Grandma wait! I was just asking... I-I still don't have it, I w-was curious since you said it usually appears around my age" Aoi said trying to seem as calm as possible.

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