Chapter 40: Who?

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There is an announcement at the end of the chapter related to upcoming chapters.


After they were all done with the expo, they met back at the place where Mineta and Kaminari were working, and the four girls greeted them for the first time and were quite surprised to see them there. They all caught up on what happened and made small talk while the sun started to set, it felt like any other day.

"Aaaaah, what a day!" Niji said while being carried on Hakkotsu's back, "I can't feel my feet anymore"

"I told you not to run all the time..." Hakkotsu replied, and some of the other classmates giggled at her comment

"Sure it was a great day. We managed to see so much of the Expo and I even got to meet too many different people, I might even find myself a date~" Aikou said with a flirty tone

"Aikou please don't..." Aoi commented while walking beside her

"Now now I promise I will be better at choosing a boyfriend this time, and not use my quirk" Aikou replied

"You've had a boyfriend before?" Asked Uraraka

"Well...." Aikou seemed nervous while blushing "More than one"

"More than one?!" Uraraka, Jiro, and Niji replied in surprise

"How many boyfriends did you have?" Yaoyorozu asked

"Well... ihadaround25boyfriends" Aikou murmured

"Huh?" the rest reacted not understanding

"Twenty... five so far..." Aikou said while laughing her nervous feeling away

"TWENTY FIVE?!!!!??" All of them except for Aoi exclaimed in shock

"Most of them only lasted around 1 month or less, though they were mostly influenced by my quirk's side effects during training and that, of those 25 only like 10 were kind of serious" Aikou added

"Your quirk has side effects?" Kirishima asked

"Yes, my quirk works as an instant cupid arrow, but unfortunately it is also like a type of drug, the more it is used the more effect it has. If I shoot the same two people many times, eventually they will convince themselves their love is genuine and not my quirk. That is why when I overuse my quirk I am in this weird mental state" Aikou explained "This is why my quirk is a little taboo for some, they fear that I will change their true feelings and well I've gotten in trouble for interfering many times"

"I see..." Uraraka said analyzing it

"It is kind of scary if you think about it that way, but I don't think I've ever seen you use it that way" Jiro commented

"That is because she received a warning. She was using her quirk outside of training grounds without a license, so she received quite the call out for it" Aoi added "It was due to her last boyfriend who reported her, he was an asshole, to be honest"

"Well the past is in the past," Aikou said to try and change the subject

A little sound was heard on the speakers of the island announcing the early closure of the expo due to a special event. They all stopped and took a small breath.

"We need to get going, we have to get ready for tonight. Are any of you guys going to assist the gala?" Aoi asked

"Yup, we are going" Jiro replied

"Us too" Kirishima exclaimed while hugging Bakugo by the neck

"I will be there too" Midoriya said

"Yay! We will all be going!" Niji said while almost falling asleep on Hakkotsu's back

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