I Miss You Lucy Heartfilia

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Normal POV

Lucy been traveling through the forrest for days. As she walking through the forrest she stumbles upon a man fighting five giants; the giants are bigger than Elizabeth. Lucy hides behind the bushes watching the man and the five giants battle. She notice that the man has pink spiky hair. Lucy feels like she seen him somewhere, but can't recall. The man with the pink spiky hair is getting his butt kick. He also uses the same type of magic as her. Finally Lucy's heart started to ache and tears are falling down her cheeks. She remembers, THAT MAN WITH THE PINK SPIKY HAIR IS NATSU! One of the giants pinned natsu down to the ground and one of the others are about to punch him, he can't escape. Lucy steps into the battle, ready to fight for her true love.

Lucy POV

"Hey, why don't you fight me instead!" Lucy yelled at the five giants with a grin on her face.

The five giants leave natsu, he tried to get back up, but he was seriously injured.

"L.......Lu.........luc......y......Lucy" he whisper to himself. Natsu was stunned.

"Lucy what are you doing here and where have you been for the past three years!?" Natsu said with tears falling down his eyes.

"Natsu let's talk about this later, I'm kinda busy right now." She said.

One of the five giants started running towards Lucy, she jump into the air and cast a spell.


The giants that's was running towards Lucy got smash into a wall made of rock.

The other giants jump into the air ready to attack Lucy from above, but Lucy knew better, she raised her arms up facing the sky, and cast a very powerful spell.

"WATER THAT FLOWS THROUGH THE AIR, COME AND AID ME: WATER PRESSURE!" Portals of water appears above the five giants and immediately slam them to the ground.

"Now's my chance." Lucy yelled with excitement.

"WATER THAT FLOWS THROUGH THE EARTH, WATER THAT FLOWS THROUGH HUMANS, WATER THAT FLOWS THROUGH THE HEAVENS: PURE WATER!" Lucy cast a powerful spell, powerful enough to leave a huge crater in the ground, the five giants got blast off deep into the forrest.

Lucy turns around and runs to natsu's side, she cast a healing spell on him. Natsu hugs Lucy so tight it hurts her. Lucy hugs him back.

"Where have you been?" Natsu kinda cried when he said that.

"Can you let me go first?" Lucy chuckled.

"Ok, but when we get back to Fairytail we're going to spend so much time together, ok?" Natsu said with a smile.

"For sure!" Lucy said with a big smile on her face.

"Now tell me, how much magic energy did you use?" he said with wondering eyes.

"About five percent." she said.

"Waaaaaaaaaa" he said amazed and surprise that his lucy became so strong over the past three years.

"Come on natsu lets go home." lucy said with a heartful smile.

"Yeah, on the way tell me what happen with you for the past three years. Ok?" he said

"Sure." lucy said.

Natsu was amazed of what happen to lucy for the past three years. He ask if she knew where Elizabeth was going. Lucy didnt know. Of course natsu wanted to know, he wanted to find igneel.

Natsu POV

On our way home Lucy and i were catching up on news and in our personal lifes. i still cant believe that she is strong enough to defeat five giants. I ask her what level magic she was, and when she told me she past Gildarts level, i was amazed. I wanted to fight her right then and there, but she no. I was so mad. The most thing that amazed me was that for the past three years she was trained by the water dragon, Elizabeth. And she learn three types of magic, which i thought was so cool. Throughout our way back Lucy and i held hands when ever we can, i dont why, but i would start to turn red. Maybe,........ I love Lucy. When we got to Fairytail, lucy was nervous. I hug her to give her comfort. Lucy open the doors of Fairytail. Everyone look at us, all their eyes widen. They couldnt believe their eyes.They all drop whatever what was in their hands, and run to hug Lucy.

Normal POV

LUCY YOU'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Natsu POV

Lucy told everyone what happen to her; later that night everyone party hard, mostly everyone was drunk when the party ended. I'm happy that everyone's hole in their heart has finally healed. Later that night Lucy went home at 11, i went with her so that she wont be kidnaped again. She screamed at me saying that she's way more stronger now, and she can take care of herself, i'm just trying to be a good friend. But she let me go with her after a while.

"Natsu you don't have to do this." She said

"I'm going with you if you like or not" he said

In Lucy's mind: should I let him go, I don't know what to do. But I kinda want him to go with me. I guess I should let him come with me.

"Fine you win." She said, but deep down she was happy too.

"Yes!" He said jumping up and down.

Lisanna POV

"I pay him one million jewel to kill her. Stupid beck he can't do anything right. Plus she came even stronger. I guess I have to kill her myself. I should make sure Natsu doesn't find out about this. First i'll make them hate each other, then I'll take natsu for myself, and then kill her. Natsu will be all mine." Lisanna said with a smirk smile.

Lucy POV

"Hey natsu I'm going to take a shower. Be careful with my stuff and no peeking!" She said with a serious voice.

"Yeah, yeah, just go take your shower." He said with no care.

"Ok, but I will kill you if destroy any or try to take a peek at me." Lucy's fist was surrounded by water which means she serious.

Normal POV

Lucy goes and takes her shower. Natsu is lying down on her bed. After ten minutes into Lucy's shower he hears her scream. Natsu rushes into save Lucy, but discover it was just a rat on the floor. Lucy' face starts turning a deep red because she is still taking a shower. She turns around. She begs natsu to get rid of the rat, then to get out the bathroom. Natsu grabs the rat by the tail and then goes to Lucy's window and then throws the rats outside. While he was out the of the bathroom Lucy quickly shuts the door and locks it. After, natsu was really tired from partying so hard, so he falls asleep on Lucy's bed, under the covers. Lucy gets out of the bathroom after ten minutes, she looks around for natsu, but she can't find him. She thought natsu left. She jumps into her bed and goes under her covers. She discovers natsu there, three inches away from her lips. He wakes up, and notice Lucy there with him. Natsu barley realize the situation they were both in and both of their heads pop outs under the covers. Both natsu and Lucy are looking into each others eyes, paralyzed by each other stare. Natsu moves in closer and closer, he closes his eyes, Lucy also closes her eyes. Natsu moves in a little more closer and FINALLY KISS LUCY.

Lucy POV

"Natsu" Lucy said while gasping for air.

"Lucy do you know how long I been waiting to do this." He said while breathing for air.

Natsu kisses Lucy again

Natsu reaches for Lucy's shirt. Lucy stops him before he could take it off.

"Natsu let's not do that." She said

Natsu stops, then he apologizes for going too far.

"Lucy lets get some sleep, k." He said with a smile.

"Sure" she said.

Natsu and Lucy fell asleep in her bed. Lucy felt really happy natsu had feelings for her. That night she fell asleep in natsu's arms and natsu hugging her close to him. Making sure that nobody steals Lucy away from him ever again. Both fell asleep peacefully throughout the night.

Lisanna POV

Wait for it lucy Heartfilia, my plan is already in motion.

Normal POV

In the morning Lucy and natsu had no idea what trials await for them in the future. Testing their love for each other. But right now they are new couples.

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