Introducing the Four Gods Of Shi

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"So you too, have failed me. What do you have yo say for yourself Lux?" A deep voice was speaking. He was in a chair made for kings. He wore a robe made out of tiger's fur. A crown was place on his head. It was made of gold, gems, and stones.

"Please forgive me Christian-sama! Please give me another chance! I promise i wont fail this time." A monster was kneeling down before this so called Christian-sama. This monster looked quite familiar. 

"You didnt kill Lucy Heartfilia. Now she knows who you are. She not going to fall for the same trick twice. Do you think i was going to forgive you that easily?" Christian bend down to level his face with the monster's.

"But i know this time i can defeat her! Please let me be one of The Gods of Shi!" Please consider it!" The monster bowed his head.

"Do you think a silly monster like you can defeat Natsu Dragneel, and Lucy Heartfilia? Your silly power isnt even powerful enough to kill them. What you just poison people? That's lame! Plus, Lucy Heartfilia almost killed you with that sword of hers. You're just lucky that i saved you in time!" Christian snap his finger and magically appeared a cane that was made of metal.

"I know i failed once, but please! I know whats she capable of! I can beat her now!" the monster yelled for Christian to forgive him, but Christian had no human heart. He was cold. Colder than Gray's ice magic. He was darkness.

"Oh, so you know what she capable of? Well do you even know what you're capable of?" Christian stood up and had his cane in both hands.

"Christian-sama Plea-!" The monster was cut off. His heart was pierce through with Christian's cane.

"Sorry, Lux! But i have no use for you! You're just a piece of crap! Now im sending you back where you belong, that's in hell! But not just hell, my hell. Which is far much worse than normal hell." Christian raised his leg and kick Lux's body, and Christian's cane were separated. Blood gushed out of Lux's body.

"" Lux body fell to the floor. Lifeless, and dull. Blood was still gushing out. His eyes had gone from a black to a monochrome grey.

"Please Lux! Dont call me by my alias! Its insulting. Like you insulting me." Christian lowered his voice at the last part of his sentence. He soon walked away from Lux's cold dead body.

"LISANNA! Come here! We need to discuss about the Gods of Shi!" Christian put his hand next to his mouth so his words can be heard farther away.

"Yes." Lisanna replied.

"These last four trials need to be the most difficult ones. Now we need to discuss who is going to be a God!" He hugged Lisanna's waist, but she pushed him away.

"Dont be a pervert!" she yelled at him.

"My body yearns for yours!" Christian said in a seduceful way.

"You know Natsu is mine, and my body only yearns for his." she walked away.

"Wait!" Christian starts running to catch up with her.

"What happen to Lux?" Lisanna asked.

"I killed him!" Christian smiled evilly.

"He was useless. I dont even know why he was one of the trials." she said.

"Come on! We need to find the four final Gods!" both walk away. The trees hiding them as they walk away.

Lucy's Apartment

Lucy woke up to a beam of sunlight on her face. She notice that she's in her bra and underwear in her bed next to Natsu. Who was shirtless. Lucy panic. She thought maybe Natsu and her went all the way last night. She looked under the covers, she brief out a sigh of relief. Natsu had his pants on still.

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