Strong Hearts

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Five Days into the Festival of Men, eight more days until natsu can see lucy. What will happen next in this chapter? Find Out! Now read Strong Hearts!!!

With the Guys. The Same Day.

"Hey, how you are doing?" gray patted natsu's back.

"Did erza tell you?" natsu look at gray.

"Yeah, if you want you can have your dinner back." gray pulled out natsu's dinner.

"No, i lost! I cant accept it." natsu turned his head and refuges his food.

"Damn it Natsu! I'm trying to be nice." gray tried to put the food into natsu's mouth, but natsu burned gray with his Roar of the Fire Dragon.

"Fine! I have one thing to say. Natsu! Whatever happens dont forget to smile with all your heart! It helps when you're in pain. And dont ever forget that you're friends, who love you, will always be here for you!" after that gray walked away. Leaving natsu thinking.

Natsu's mind: God! have i become this blind? I keep focusing on lisanna, instead of having fun. I just need to focus on something else. I need to win all my matches, yeah! I'll focus on that!

"Natsu!" erza yelled.

"Hai!" natsu trembled.

"Come here!" erza looked mad. Erza was in the bushes, far from where natsu was.

"Umm" natsu tried to escape.

"NAT SU" erza said slowly.

"Okay" natsu started walking towards erza.

Erza had her chibi face on. She look both ways to make sure no one was around, especially lisanna.

"Look what i found!" erza was hiding something behind her back.

"What?" natsu tried taking a peek at it, but erza punched his head and said..

"DONT LOOK YET!" erza look both ways again.

"Okay!" erza reveal what she was hiding.

"OH, My God" natsu said.

What erza had behind her back was the real letter from lucy!

"Give me!" natsu was excited.

"Here! I promised didnt i" erza was very proud of herself.

"Where did you find it?" natsu said.

"I sent lisanna to find more wood for the fire, that's when i went into our cabin and search through her stuff. First, she has so many pictures of you, and second i found this secret cupboard that was locked. I pick the lock, and lucky for me i was successful! I found weird things in there. That's where i found the letter. I also saw these weird drawings, it looks like she has been summoning weird creatures." erza was surprise lisanna could learn summoning magic, but it's weird summoning magic. It's not the normal type of summoning magic. That type of summoning magic was black magic. She told natsu everything about what she thought of lisanna's summoning magic.

"Wait how do you know?" natsu was confused.

"Well, lucky for us! We called levy from one of cana's cards and we asked her to look it up for us. She found the same types of drawings in this book called Kuro (Kuro means black in Japanese). It's all about black magic and black magic wizards." erza was scared of what lisanna could do with the black magic she learned.

"Erza we got to stop her!" natsu somewhat yelled.

"Keep your voice down! First we need to know her motive. We cant just stop her, we haven't gather enough information yet. Soon will stop her. I think its best for you to stop her, but we cant yet! So don't dont do anything funny! Got it!" erza said.

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