A Water Dragon Solves a Mystery

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"Ahhhh! What time is it?" asked the celestial mage.

Today lucy gets out of the hospitable. Natsu is coming to pick her up in about an hour. Lucy wakes up to a refreshing morning. It has been already a week and she feels better than ever.

"I should get pack up, before natsu comes" with this said lucy gets out of her bed and starts to pack her things. Natsu brought her some stuff from her house and he also brought her a suitcase and clothes to put on when she's about to leave the hospitable.

As lucy walks towards her door, the doctor opens it and greets lucy, "Good morning Ms. Heartfilia!" the doctor said in a cheery expression.

"Good morning! You can call me Lucy" lucy said. Lucy didn't really like to be called by her last name.

"I see today is the day you leave the hospitable, Ms. Lucy" the doctor looked at his clipper board(the doctor is a he)

"Yes. Im packing my things right now" lucy said.

"I see" the doctor said.

"Well lets check on how your doing, before you leave. We dont want you to get hurt again" the doctor pull out his stethoscope and checks lucy heart rate.

thumb, thumb, thumb, thumb, thumb.(lucy's heart beating)

"Its sounds okay!" said the doctor.

"Im glad to hear that!" lucy smiled.

Next the doctor pulled out his ophthalmoscope and checks lucy's chocolate brown eyes.

"Nothing wrong!" the doctor then pulls out a sphygmomanometer to checks lucy's blood pressure.

"Your healthy as a rabbit!(couldn't think of anything that's healthier. Sorry for interrupting)" the doctor gives a lucy a thumb's up!

"Thank you doctor!" soon the doctor left and left lucy alone.

"Lets see, i should change into my clothes. I am just wearing a patient's dress and nothing else." Lucy proceeds into the bathroom to change. Then goes to get her breakfast.

"Itadakimasu!" lucy then eats her food and gets back to packing.

After a while lucy is finished. She waits outside the hospitable for her beloved dragon slayer. Its been two hours already and natsu still hasn't come.

"Where the hell is he?" lucy was going to kill natsu.

"I been waiting here for two hours already and he still hasn't come! Im just going to walk home!" lucy grabs her suitcase and starts walking, but she hears a familiar voice.

"Lucy!Lucy!Lucy!Lucy!" a familiar voice calls out.

"Hap....py?" lucy turns around and sees the feline cat and already hugging her from behind.

"Lucy i missed you!" happy was hugging lucy tight.

"Hey! My back hasn't fully healed, be careful" lucy said.

"Sorry!" the cat then hugs lucy in the front.

"I missed you too little fella" lucy returned happy's hug.

Lucy then remembers that natsu hasn't pick her up, "Happy! Where's natsu!" lucy eyes were glaring.

"We took a carriage to come over here, but natsu got motion sick." lucy totally forgot about his motion sickness.

"Where is he now?" lucy asked.

"He's probably still in the carriage" happy said.

"You left him there!?" lucy said.

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