The Final Star In The Sky

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Author's Note: First of all, the reason why im starting the author's note in the begining is because i want you to focus on the last part of the story. So this is the last chapter guys!!!!! Its been a long way! I cant express how grateful i am with you all of you. Im just so grateful. When i first started out, i did this only for fun and i believe no one will ever read this. But so many people have read this, and you guys proved me wrong. Just thank you! Truth000's books inspired me to make this book. So you should be thanking her! She's an amazing author! A better author than me. She has more experience writting fanfictions than me. Im still a rookie. But i have come a long way. I literally thought no one would ever read this. But thank you again for all of you out there who have been reading since the first chapter up to the last. I also want to thank the people who barely started reading this! Without you guys, i dont know what i would do. Oh there some things i want you to know! On my profile it says i made this account in 2011, but i actually started this account last december. So it has been my one year aniversity! I dont why wattpad does that. Also i started this book in may or february so it hasnt been long since i started. Okay so now im going to tell you about the second book. The second book will be called......."Holy Flames"! I cant wait to write it!!! So much drama is going to happen!!!!! This book is about Natsu's past, and him trying to deal with it. I not going to give too much spoilers. Im not going to write this book right away, i'll probably start writting my first few chapters in maybe one, two, or three months from now. The reason why im going to take forever to start writing is because you know how i always miss an update because im busy with school. During january through April will be the busiest months for me. First highschool related stuff has to be turned in. I need to study for highschool test. Highschool interviews. And i need to study for normal test. So i'll be gone for a while. But i'll still be active on wattpad, but i wont be writting stories. I promise i will announce the first chapter of "Holy Flames" when it comes out. So when im basically done with highschool stuff i'll be writing again. Who knows i might be writing earlier that usual. I wanna thank one very special person! She has a wattpad just like me and her name is LadyCharlotte09! She is actually one of my classmates. She always helps me write a better chapter for you guys. I always ask for her opinion on the new chapter. And gives me good feedback! You can say she's part of writing this story too! So thank you LadyCharlotte09!!!! I hope your having a fun winter break! A few things before i let you read! Im thinking of adding a interview with the characters of this book, and adding one more one-shot. Or adding all of that into the beginning of the second book. Please tell how you feel about it. As always please comment, vote, or do both! It means the world to me! So enough talking and start reading!!!!!! Thank you again! Animelover272727 out!

P.S. Sorry if i misspelled something or used improper grammar. Also my birthday is this coming sunday!!! Im turning 14!!!!Happy Holidays!!!

3 Months Have Passed

It's been 3 months since Lucy has died. Many things have happen after Lucy's death. Lucy's funeral took place a week after she died. They couldn't find her body, but they still put a gravestone in her name. The guild lost it's spark. It feels like everyone's asleep while they're awake. Everyone is depressed, especially Natsu. In the past three months he's only been to the guild three times. He only comes to get job so he can support himself and Happy. When Natsu visited the guild, he would only visit for a few seconds and then leave. He was like Mystogan. People tried to cheer him up saying Lucy is in a better place now. But he would reply back saying the only place where Lucy is safe is by my side! He would always get mad when people start talking about Lucy and how he's depressed. Sometimes when he couldn't take it, he would go up to them and start punching them to a pulp. The guys would have to stop him before it gets too serious. Also Natsu neglected his health. He doesn't get much sleep. He doesn't eat much. And he also started drinking to the point where he would pass out if he drank to much. He did this to max the pain of losing Lucy, but sadly it didn't work. Happy would try to talk to him, but Natsu would only shut him down. Sometimes Natsu goes back to Lucy's apartment just to see her stuff. He would sometimes read her diary. When he does read her diary, Natsu starts crying like a baby. Remembering all the memories they had together. Natsu sometimes has dreams of Lucy taking to him from heaven. When he does have those dreams, Natsu never wants to wake up. Gray, Erza, Wendy, and Charles would sometimes visit Natsu, trying to comfort him. Gray acts like a brother to him and gives him advice. Gray would always offers for him to go somewhere fun. But Natsu declines. Natsu is now a big dark hole. The only feelings he feels is sadness, depression, regret, and loneliness. He has a picture frame of him and Lucy together on his bed stand. Before he goes to bed, Natsu would always look at it and say I love you to Lucy everyday.

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