Away From Each Other

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The Day After They Left The Guild

"Get up!!!" shouted erza at the guys in their cabin. It was 6:30 in the morning.

Everyone grunted and fell asleep again.

"Well i guess we have to do this the hard way." an evil aura arose from erza. She summoned a sword and started attacking the guys. Some of the guys were in their boxers and some in underwear. (i dont know the difference between them, sorry if i insult some of the guys who are reading this, and sorry for interrupting) All the guys quickly ran outside the cabin into the forest like environment. Most of them were embarrass wearing their underwear and boxers in front of the girls and master.

"Listen!! Today is our first day of The Festival of Men. We have a list of what were doing throughout the day and who will be battling. If you fail to succeed any of activities, you will get punish when we get back to the guild." master was grinning evilly. He was excited about the punishment that he started dancing a little bit. Of course the guys were terrified, but they knew that they cant disgrace FairyTail.

"Okay our first activity is scarvanger hunt. You will need to find parts of a key. You will use your magic to find the parts and to battle for them. When you have collected all the parts, you will need to find a path that will lead you to a gate. There will be a keyhole, you will put the key into the keyhole, and from there the first battle of the day starts. It will be a tag battle. You may choose someone from your guild to aid your battle.

"Understood!!" matser said.

"Hai!" the guild said.

"Now lets start by putting on clothes." master said (master doing a facepalm)

Everyone forgot they weren't wearing anything. They started running into the cabin for clothes. Natsu was just walking.

Natsu's mind: I wonder what lucy doing right about now. Probably sleeping.

"Natsu!!!" natsu turn around to see who was calling his name. It was lisanna. Lisanna was hugging natsu's arm close to her. Natsu tried to get away, but couldn't. Finally Erza came to the rescue and saved natsu.

"Lisanna come on we need to make breakfast for the guys." erza was pulling lisanna by the shirt, lisanna tried to set herself free from erza's grip, but it was useless.

Flashback: Erza can you make sure lisanna doesn't do anything funny?

Erza's mind: I promise lucy, don't worry.

At the Guild. Three days later.

"Lucy!!! Lucy!!!' mira shouted.

"Yeah" lucy said.

"Were you day dreaming again?" mira said putting her arms on her waist teasing lucy.

"Ummm....ummm" lucy said.

"I knew it." mira said

"You caught me." lucy said.

"This is the like the twentieth time." mira said handing lucy a cup of hot chocolate.

Lucy sips some her drink, "It can't be help. I miss natsu so much. Its hard not to think of him."

"Come on lets go do something. We need your mind to start to think of something else." mira said grabbing lucy's hand and started pulling her.

"Everyone our next activity on our schedule is.... SHOPPING!!" everyone was really happy about this.

When everyone was at the mall, mira assigned everyone into groups. Mira was in a group with lucy, levy, happy, and charles. (Oh, yeah. I forgot to mention charles stayed with the girls. Please continue reading, sorry for interrupting)

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