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"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."

—Abraham Lincoln


6 years later

She arrived at the diner twelve minutes after the time she promised her sister. Dana had requested [Name] to meet at their favorite diner because "there was something exciting to announce". Obviously, Dana hinted she wanted [Name] to know firsthand before the whole family did.

She's going to give me an earful... [Name] blew through her lips and set the parking break. She knew how much her sister– being a professional make-up artist and all– hated when plans weren't met punctually.

But no matter; [Name] was just happy to finally get out of the house while she can!

"Kai, please stop messing with Mommy's wallet," [Name] lazily requested her five year-old boy through the rear-view mirror. He scrunched his nose at her in response before putting back all the cards he took out, and obediently placed the unorganized wallet on her awaiting palm.

"Oh, thanks a lot, child."

"Welcome~!" Kai chirped, kicking happily in his car seat. Snorting, she couldn't resist smiling and let out a chuckle she failed to contain. Curses, he was too cute to even pretend staying mad at...

After her second child was born, [Name] was much busier with work and was restrained at home much more than when she was in college. Fortunately, Mia had grown up to be mature for an eleven-year-old, so she helped as much as she could with her baby brother– even if she had to play a lot of Leap Frog to fulfill her big sister duties. Now that Kai was finally in kindergarten and Mia was busy with advanced classes and extracurricular activities at school, [Name] finally had the freedom to rest on her days off, such as today.

Except... today, Kai woke up a bit sick and had to tag along with mommy. So today she wasn't very free... Unlike Mia, Kai was a much more complicated child. He refused to wake up (says the sun is evil); he is too stubborn to wear shoes; he had the wretched habit of hiding in places just to jump out and scare her or Itachi (it was actually developing to be a hobby), and- oh yeah- Kai was not a morning person. At all. And that is why she was late in the first place...

"Let's go, dude," she called as she opened his door, waiting for him to hop off the car. Holding his little hand in hers, they rushed to cross the street towards the building and finally pushed the diner's doors open. She looked around the lively room full of patrons until she caught sight of someone waving their arm around.

"Over here!" Dana jumped up to be seen.

Oh good, she's still happy, she thought and inwardly huffed in relief to find her sister smiling. With a single wave of her free hand, [Name] gently pulled Kai closer at her side before pacing across the diner. Whatever news Dana had to share, they must be superb enough that Dana paid no mind to [Name]'s lack of etiquette.

"Glad you made it, sis!" Dana beamed, throwing her arms around her sister, squeezing her into a tight hug before crouching to hug her nephew. Their introductions extended as Dana's aunt role caused her to blabber on and on about how big Kai has gotten and how he's going to be a heart-breaker when he's older– blah, blah, blah. Then she finally jumped up, beckoning them to a table behind her. "Sit down, sit! I ordered for both of us already!"


[Name] snorted at her odd behavior (twinkling stars were practically framing around Dana) and lifted Kai to sit him at the end of the booth. "You're scaring me," she said bluntly as she slid onto the seat, lifting an eyebrow when Dana giggled randomly. "You should just tell me the news before you blow up."

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