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"Where are you?" she asked the wall, digging her hands into her hair in thought.

Usually, moms are supposed to have this witch-like superpower where they are able to remember where a lost item is at, but [Name] was struggling at the moment as she couldn't locate her lost item.

It was graduation day today, at last, but all she worried about is finding her graduation cap. Only two hours were left until the ceremony started and all she was doing is tapping her chin in ponder.

"If I was a cap, where would I be?" That question was actually taken into consideration after she had looked in places a cap would be misplaced at (before she looked in illogical spots, like the cookie jar, inside the fridge, under the foot of the kitchen table and in the toilet). She hummed to herself for another quiet moment, then decided to stomp her foot impatiently.

"ITACHI!" she finally called for help, storming out of the bathroom towards the middle of the living room.

"Yeah?" he responded from the bedroom where he was finishing getting ready. Placing her hands at her hips, [Name] scanned the living room with an irritated pout.

"Have you seen it?"

"Seen what, [Name]?"

Scoffing impatiently, she was about to reply until, from the corner of her eye, she spotted Mia peeking from the side of the book shelf. Turning her head to look at her, suspicion automatically hit when Mia hid quickly. [Name] stood on her toes to see Mia was holding a familiar object in her hand, and sighed in relief.

"Nevermind, Itachi. I found it... and the thief," she joked quietly and crouched, slowly crawling on her fours towards Mia's hideout. Peeking around the corner of the bookshelf, she noticed a bedazzler and narrowed her eyes. What is she up to? "Hey~ May I ask what you are you doing with my–

"Don't look!" Mia turned her back to [Name] upon being discovered, hugging the cap tightly against her chest. "It's not...!"

"Mia, what did you do?" she huffed, suspicious she may have accidentally broken or ripped it somehow. "No worries, I'm not mad. But you know I need it today..."

Mia sheepishly looked over her shoulder. "But... Mama, I..."

"Darling, I'm sorry, but we have to leave soon and you're not even ready," she argued as her hand reached out to remove a random, smiley face sticker off Mia's cheek. "I promise I'm not mad. Let me have it, please?"

Mia looked at the ground in disappointment, huffing in defeat as she turned her body around to face [Name]. Hesitating to surrender the cap, she stared at her mom, and mumbled, "Fine... But it's not ready yet."

Mia obediently handed the cap upside-down and sat back on the wall, frowning; meanwhile [Name] quirked at brow, until she flipped the cap around to find out what Mia pouted about, she gasped in surprise. On the surface of the cap were many bedazzled jewels of different colors and sizes shaping out a heart (although slightly crooked, but she could care less), and inside it read: CONGRATS MAMA on the top half and on the bottom half read WE LOVE YOU

Gaping, [Name] felt her heart being gradually squeezed in her chest to realize that every letter, written with glitter glue, belonged to Mia's very own handwriting; she confirmed it by noticing glitter smeared all over her little hands, which were nervously playing with her pajama bottoms.

"It's a gift for you, Mama," Mia murmured as she picked at the dry glue on her fingers.

"Oh– Mia, I... I had no idea..." [Name] shut herself up by pulling her lips into her mouth, fighting the emotional hormones as she looked at her daughter in guilt. I'm such an idiot, she scolded herself and placed a hand over her mouth. Mia was working on this for who-knows-how-long, yet she selfishly came along and rudely interrupted...

✲Through the Blinds✲{Itachi Uchiha}Where stories live. Discover now