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Hii meri Wattpad family!
I know the update is short and late too but I have some commitments to fulfil and therefore couldn't update.
I hope this will be good enough and you will enjoy.

Thank you 😇🤗

Manik's POV:

The evening had settled in, and as the birds returned to their nests, a haunting calm enveloped me, allowing me to hear the echoes of my own heartbeats. Gazing at the stars above, I felt the weight of regret pressing down on me. Yes, we had emerged victorious in the war, but the cost was immense. The one who had lost everything was the very person who meant everything to me. Nandini, the one who loved me with all her heart, and now I stood as the one who had killed her family with my own hands. How could I face her? How could she ever forgive me for this act of brutality? The love she had shown me was the lifeline that kept me going. In the darkest of nights, she had been my beacon of hope. She was my reason for survival, and now, I had taken everything from her.

I regretted not revealing our love to father. Perhaps, if he had known, things could have been different.


My best friend, Aakash, called out to me, breaking through my thoughts.

"Yes, Aakash, do you need something?"

"Manik, I understand what you're going through, but we can't avoid this situation. We won the war, but Nandini is now our prisoner. We are leaving for Pratapgarh tomorrow morning, and it's best if you talk to her before we leave."

"I can't face her, Aakash."

"You have to, Manik, whether it's today or tomorrow. The sooner, the better. It won't be easy, but it's necessary. We must confront the consequences of our actions."

"I agree. I must face her, but the turmoil inside me is unbearable. How can I look into her eyes after causing so much pain and loss? Will she ever find it in her heart to forgive me?"

"Manik, time is running out. Tomorrow, you will meet her as a Yuvraj, not just her 'maan' (beloved). This might be your last chance to talk to her as the person she once loved. Go and meet her, Manik. I'll take care of the final preparations and arrangements."

As Aakash mentioned the word 'maan,' tears welled up in my eyes. The weight of my actions and their consequences hit me like a tidal wave. But I can't afford to wallow in regret any longer. I need to face Nandini, to have an honest conversation with her. Aakash is right; this could be my last opportunity to speak to her as her beloved 'maan.'

Determined yet apprehensive, Manik advanced towards Nandini's chambers. With every step, he couldn't help but fear the enigmatic woman before him. Nandini was like water, capable of being calm and life-giving, but when hurt or angry, she could unleash a fury akin to a devastating tsunami. This girl was anything but weak and failure was not in her vocabulary. In an era when girls were confined to the kitchen and denied education, when royal ladies were expected to be mere adornments and please their husbands, Nandini defied the norms. What he admired most about her family was their progressive mindset. They had the courage to send her to the gurukul to acquire knowledge of literature and politics, to train in the arts of war. However, she was not yet prepared to go to battle. She was a strong-willed girl with an aura that commanded respect. Facing her now, in this situation, was akin to inviting one's own demise. Manik was about to confront the wrath of this formidable goddess.

Nandini stared at her reflection in the mirror, her light pink outfit now tattered, stained with blood, and caked in dirt. The jewels she wore sparkled, but the radiance that once glowed in her eyes was now absent.

In an attempt to find solace, Nandini made her way to the restroom, where only a few lamps provided dim light. With each step she took on the stairs, she shed her ornaments, symbolizing the loss she had endured. Finally, she stood by her private pond, clad in a single cloth. As the chilled water embraced her, she closed her eyes, trying to escape the harsh reality. The events of the past few hours replayed in the darkness behind her closed eyes, but strangely, her tears had run dry. Her voice felt lifeless, her heart numb, unable to process the enormity of the tragedy that had befallen her.

After taking a moment to collect herself, Nandini opened her eyes. Once these eyes had held the beauty of a lotus flower, vibrant with emotions, but now they were dull and lifeless. They mirrored the soul of a girl who had been robbed of everything but hatred.

Nandini moved to her dressing area and retrieved a complete black outfit, symbolizing the darkness that now enveloped her heart. She carefully draped the black cloth around herself, as if mourning the loss of her former self.

As she stood before the mirror, Nandini absentmindedly tied her hair into a half bun, leaving the rest cascading down her shoulders. When she caught her reflection, she noticed the hairstyle - a style he used to love. A single tear escaped her eye, tracing a path down her emotionless face. The sight was a poignant reminder of the love they once shared, now lost in the chaos of war.

Okay. Short update. I know. But please understand my situation doston. My exams and other commitments need my attention at prior basis. I love you all for showing love and support. Kindly continue to shower the same in future too and multiply it by thousands.

Love ❤️🌸

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