18. Demand!

405 73 9

I just checked in the morning that the target was achieved. So here goes the update. Also, thanks for the comments on the previous chapter. They mean a lot to me.

I hope you are enjoying the story. If you are disappointed with anything just let me know. I am a learner and I will take a lesson from that and will surely improve. Also, suggestions are always welcomed.


Enjoy reading.

Target 50 votes.

Nandini woke up in the morning when an attendant came across the room and informed her regarding the morning assembly. She mentioned that the king requested her presence in the court today. Nandini nodded and proceeded to get ready for the assembly.

In court:

Nandini's heart pounded with fear and anger as she stood before the court, facing the King of Kaling and his son, who exuded negative and sinister vibes. She could sense their cruel intentions, and their lecherous gazes made her uncomfortable.

Manik's father, the King of Pratapganj, seemed visibly uneasy with the demand they presented before him in the morning today. He glanced at Nandini with concern, knowing that she was the one they sought to exploit. The atmosphere in the court was turning tense with every passing moment, and Nandini could feel her palms getting sweaty as she clenched her fists.

The King of Kaling grinned wickedly, enjoying the discomfort he caused. "Your Highness," he addressed Manik's father, "as per our agreement, we have won the war, and now we demand our reward. We want the Princess of Maheshgarh as our slave. Hand her over to us."

The court gasped in shock, and Nandini felt her blood boil with indignation. She refused to be treated as an object to be bartered or traded. With her head held high, she mustered all her courage and spoke firmly, "I am not a mere prize to be claimed by anyone. I am a princess, and I refuse to be anyone's slave."

The King of Kaling and his son laughed mockingly, but Nandini's resilience only strengthened. She looked at Manik's father, her eyes filled with determination. "Your Highness, I implore you to reconsider this unjust demand. I may have lost my kingdom, but I will never lose my dignity and self-respect. I refuse to be anyone's slave."

Manik's father hesitated, torn between his agreement and his sense of justice. He saw the fire in Nandini's eyes and admired her bravery. Finally, he spoke, "I cannot condone such an appalling request. Princess Nandini is under my protection, and I shall ensure her safety and honor." "And what about the promise you made, the great King? You promised us to hand over anything we will demand, and you can keep the land and everything else in return. Now we demand her as our slave. We can do whatever we want to do with her. You or any other person doesn't have a say in this." Spoke the king of kaling instantly. In reply of which the king's head and eyes bent down in shame. He can not let them enslave the princess, it will be against her dignity and also he will need to save his promise too.

"I do. I do have a say in this." Retorted the princess. "Aahaan, you are just a slave here. And slaves don't have a tongue darling."

The King of Kaling approached Nandini, "...but you will be permitted to moan." said the king of Kaling in a low pitch that none other than them can hear, his sinister smile sending shivers down her spine. "You see, my dear princess, sometimes fate can be cruel," the King of Kaling sneered. "Your kingdom may be defeated, but you still have a purpose—serving us."

Nandini's eyes blazed with fury. "I will never be anyone's slave," she retorted defiantly, her voice quivering with anger and sorrow. "You may have won a battle, but you will never break my spirit. I will never bow down to you or anyone else."

The King of Kaling laughed cruelly, reveling in Nandini's distress. "Oh, you will learn your place soon enough," he taunted. "Your defiance will be crushed, and you will be nothing more than a mere puppet in our hands."

Despite the fear that consumed her, Nandini refused to back down. She knew she had to find a way to escape this terrible fate, to reclaim her freedom and dignity. She had vowed to fight with every ounce of strength she had, even if it meant facing insurmountable odds.

Next chapter ready. Once the target is hit, I will update.

Lots of love

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