Ch 1

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When Ning Lisa opened her eyes, she was sitting in a luxurious ward.

She was holding a needle in her hand with blood on the tip.

Apparently, just finished pricking someone.

Ning Lisa has never used such a humorous cold weapon since the end of the world, thinking: Good guy?

—I am Rong Nai who wears books?

Then she was input a plot of a rich and brainless pet article, and soon learned: the very handsome man on the hospital bed who had just been impaled by her was Gu Jungkook , the strongest business emperor in the book, who had already died after accidentally becoming a vegetable Lie down for three years.

In the original book, the heroine Ding Tzuyu and Gu Jungkook had a baby relationship, and because of this she has always been envied by the famous ladies and daughters. Fortunately, she found out that she was the fake daughter who had been wronged. When the real daughter Ning Lisa was found from the countryside, the task of marrying a vegetable was naturally pushed to her. Not only that, but Ding Tzuyu was also found by her real family members and even more powerful wealthy families, and she was spoiled as the apple of her eye!

But Ning Lisa didn't have a good day, and she was going to be a widow for her just after returning to the wealthy family. Compared with Ding Tzuyu 's pampered life, it was hard for her mentality not to be distorted, so she abused her disabled husband to vent her anger.

Little did she know that the boss's consciousness had been trapped in his body passively and awake all the time, losing all five senses but retaining the sense of tactile pain! Being abused made him even darker, and when he rose up, he once again swept the entire business world. Ning Lisa , a vicious pervert, was naturally the first to be tortured by blood.

After watching the garbage plot, Ning Lisa didn't know which one was more unlucky, the boss or her.

I feel that if the two of them can change places, they should resonate quite well.

They are all kind of wronged.

However, injustice turns out to be wrong, Ning Lisa spent three years in the apocalypse, and basically lost his sense of morality and sympathy along with the quality of life, and only thought about countermeasures that were beneficial to him.

Today was the first day that the original owner was allowed to visit when he married into the Gu family. Outside the ward, almost the entire wealthy and famous people of City A gathered. Most of these people look down on the original owner. If Gu Jungkook is not awake, they will ridicule her for being a widow; if Gu Jungkook is awake, they will ridicule her for being unworthy.

Ning Lisa held the needle, pointed it at the boss, and thought seriously—

Now that he has already been stabbed, why not just stab him to death? To avoid being rebellious later.

But she changed her mind, now it's a society ruled by law, and it's not good to fight casually.

Ning Lisa yawned in distress. After finally leaving the end of the world, but wearing such a b character, when will the simple dream of eating, drinking, lying down and sleeping soundly come true?

She simply buckled the needle and closed her eyes: "Why don't I lie down for you for a while, husband."

Of course, this is just a random thought in my heart.

However, there was a slight fluctuation in the air suddenly, like a gust of wind brushing the hospital bed by her ears, as if something had changed.

Ning Lisa 's senses were sharp, and she opened her eyes immediately.

Luxurious life after swapping with unconscious husband/ liskook adaptation Where stories live. Discover now