Ch 7

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Ding's welcome banquet was held in a five-star hotel in the city center.

There are already a bunch of reporters staying on site in advance.

But the reporters, who were supposed to be talking about the banquet, were whispering about something else.

"Have you heard that Professor Qian from the Brain Department of Hai City and Director Wang from the Department of Motor Neurology have all landed in City A today!"

"As soon as I landed, I was picked up by a unified black luxury car."

"My paparazzi friend checked the flight, and three experts are coming tomorrow."

"I can only think of one person who can make such a big commotion in City A..."

"Hiss, that's big news."

"That one is not something we can mention. Today we are mainly shooting the daughter of the Ding family."


Ding Tzuyu was supposed to do her makeup beautifully today and keep in the best condition to welcome her grand ceremony!

However, from yesterday to now, she no longer knows how many people she has dealt with—

"I really didn't, I just went to see Young Master Gu."

"Brother Kai, trust me!"

"No, Young Master Gu is still awake, don't bother him!"

Because the word Gu Jungkook not only represents the yearning of those wealthy daughters, but also is synonymous with absolute interests.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as Gu Jungkook can come back, the stock price of the Gu Group will skyrocket the next day. This is the weight of "Gu Jungkook ", who is not greedy?

Absolute weight, absolute correctness, absolute kingship.

—And Ding Tzuyu could have quietly become the light in this man's heart, but now Ning Lisa stepped in!

Ding Tzuyu 's teeth itch with hatred.

rather! Lisa!

Today, she must crush Ning Lisa hard like in her dream!

Let her feel ashamed!

Gu family.

Ning Lisa changed into a dress and long skirt, and put on that set of dazzling jewelry.

I admired it in the mirror for a long time: beauty. beautiful.

Ning Lisa is so beautiful that she can't remember how thin and pale her face was in the last days. Now she is a person who has eaten well and slept well, her complexion is rosy and radiant, and her skin can be broken by blows.

Tried on this dress without makeup yesterday and it looked good enough. Today, with makeup on and her long chestnut hair slightly curled up, she was so beautiful that Ning Lisa fell in love with her in place.

Ning Lisa invited people to share the reward: "Husband~ I'll show you something nice."

Gu Jungkook was quietly thinking about something.

Now he has become more and more reconciled with the dark and silent world, because he knows that the day of breaking the situation is not far away.

And he seemed to have gotten used to it more and more, someone kept nagging in his ear.

Gu Jungkook asked lightly: "What?"

"Oh, you'll know it when you see it."

Facing the mirror, Ning Lisa happily switched her body.

Luxurious life after swapping with unconscious husband/ liskook adaptation Where stories live. Discover now