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In the end, the mountain-like beef bowl was finished, and there was no waste.

Because Gu Jungkook asked the manager to bring ten bowls before starting, and asked the bodyguards to divide the ten bowls among themselves.

They were all very moved—after all, they were eating a bowl of rice with Mr. Gu!

What kind of friendship is this!

The bodyguards ate with gusto!

In the end, there was only normal human food left in the big bowl, and Gu Jungkook also ate it up slowly.

I have to admit that the food Ning Lisa ordered tasted very good. Although the meal looked scary, it tasted pretty good.

Young Master Gu seldom had a serious meal.

After eating, when leaving the restaurant, the waiter smiled and bowed:

"Welcome to visit next time!~"

Gu Jungkook : Still can't do it.

Ning Lisa will come by himself next time.

It was already night when Gu Jungkook finished all the work and returned home.

Ning Lisa had already eaten and drunk enough to lie down flat.

Seeing him enter the room, she immediately assumed the posture of a good wife waiting for her husband at home for a long time:

"Husband! You worked hard today! Baby loves you so much!"

Gu Jungkook 's expression remained calm, and his voice was calm: "Thank you baby."

Ning Lisa has already watched Song Nayeon's film this time. It is indeed very beautiful. The two Ning Lisa wearing Xuehua and Mermaid's Tears are both very beautiful and well received. Song Lan is also very satisfied!

But in comparison, Ning Lisa said with a touch of conscience - the filming of Mermaid's Tears was more difficult.

Looking at the photos of Gu Jungkook 's expressionless lowered waist, she almost died laughing.

What a useful husband!

"Husband, wash up, lie down and rest, the baby promised to massage my husband's legs."

Gu Jungkook let out a "huh" and didn't take it seriously.

Let's take a shower first.

After changing into her pajamas and coming out, she saw Ning Lisa lying on the bed with her chin in her hands, looking forward to it.

"Come on~ old man~"

Hearing her sweet and greasy voice with twists and turns, Gu Jungkook suddenly knew why the servants and bodyguards in the other building were so far away.

Fear of bumping into something that shouldn't be seen.

In reality, however, their husband-wife relationship is very respectful.

Gu Jungkook lay down very conservatively.

A pair of soft little hands stretched out from under the quilt to his lap.

It was really giving him a massage.

Pinch left, pinch right.

So Gu Jungkook ignored it at first.

Ning Lisa massaged him blindly, but found that Gu Jungkook 's leg muscles were in a completely normal state, just like other parts of him that had been completely recovered, the texture lines on his legs were also perfectly defined, as if there was a hidden vitality strength.

Luxurious life after swapping with unconscious husband/ liskook adaptation Where stories live. Discover now