Ch 39

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This sudden sentence swept the field like a storm.

【He really! I cry to death! 】

【Mom is so spoiled ahhhhhhhh】

[Once a man like Young Master Gu falls in love with someone, it will be a devastating love! 】

And those wealthy circles in other provinces have never seen this battle.

"Fuck, so it's true love?"

"No wonder the birthday present is so cruel..."

"Damn it, I'm really sore ah ah ah ah ah ah ah that's Young Master Gu!"

The two people standing in the field preparing for the game were silent.

Gu Jungkook : Forget it. got used to.

Team Wan: Damn it. As for?

Ning Lisa  looked at all the spectators and contestants present with either dull eyes or excited expressions. She didn't know why, but she was a little dark.

——Sure enough, in the world of brainless petting, everyone likes this kind of stuff!

Among them, the one who eats this domineering and protective style the most is of course the heroine Ding Tzuyu  herself!

At this moment, Ding Tzuyu  looked unbelievable and so sour that she was about to die on the spot.

How could this be? !

Ning Lisa  can actually make a man like Gu Jungkook  say such domineering words that make people's hearts flutter!

Ding Tzuyu 's whole world view was shocked! No one in this world should be loved more than her, this is the law of the world!

How could this be, is her dream wrong? !

Ning Lisa : You are right!

It's just that I'm the one who's talking! a ha ha ha-

Ning Lisa  called Gu Jungkook  affectionately in his mind: "How about husband, I have strengthened your kingly temperament! Am I awesome!"

Gu Jungkook  closed his eyes: "...great."

Where did she learn this.

Ning Lisa : "Oh, I'm also afraid that you will fall, it will hurt."

The random exchange mechanism is very wicked, she can't use her mind to exchange back, the only way for them is to use the method of threatening each other's body.

But in public, she can't be too active!

—Ah no, remove the "bar".

Ning Lisa  gave up after a few tries, but she was always in a very good mood, so she turned around and started to watch the fun: "Then husband, you have to compete hard, baby wants to be the first!"

Gu Jungkook  remained expressionless: "Yes."

She took the first two games so seriously, of course he wouldn't ruin her results.

And there is no lagging behind in Gu Jungkook 's life.

Ning Lisa  tweeted and threatened him: "If you accidentally let the baby fall, I might say something more painful!"

Gu Jungkook : "...Oh."

You were buried with me, can you be more exaggerated?

Ning Lisa : Yes^3^

—Your person is mine, your heart is mine! You are all mine!

—I forbid you to look at other people! You are not allowed to touch others! You can only have me in your eyes!

Luxurious life after swapping with unconscious husband/ liskook adaptation Where stories live. Discover now