Ch 44

414 8 3

Heavy, big, new, news!

After Ning Lisa casually finished this important self-introduction, the people present counted one by one, and they all exploded!

— Wife is too awesome! ? Silently doing big things?

Because it was too shocking, everyone didn't feel any real feeling for a while.

However, soon another assistant remembered that his wife had helped them deal with computer problems when he first came to the company, and the difficult problems for them were easily solved by his wife—it turned out that there were already clues!

Then... does Young Master Gu know?

Gu Jungkook  also just found out.

— It's not that I haven't guessed about this aspect, but Gu Jungkook  has asked someone to investigate Ning Lisa's life experience, biography, bank card details, etc. in detail.

Even she herself was by his side almost every day, lying down, eating, eating, lying down, and she couldn't see that she could support such a huge Internet platform so calmly and easily.

His Lilli is really.


The inexplicable pride in Gu Jungkook 's heart has just emerged, but his rational brain is running at high speed at the same time—

Young Master Gu quickly went back to the conversation when he met her friend in Ning Lisa's body on the plane one day.

— "It's me, 01."

- "Where's your husband?"

So what he shouted at the time was, 01.

It's just that he read it quickly, while Gu Jungkook  was more concerned about the second half of the sentence.


Wander already knew.

And he doesn't know.

The pride that had just risen in Gu Jungkook 's heart suddenly sank, and the unhappiness in his heart began to permeate everywhere, and his whole body exuded a low-pressure gloom.

Ning Lisa: "0v0"

She quietly shrank away from Gu Jungkook .

Oh, you know, he will be angry!

After all, no one in this whole world would dare to lie to the emperor!

Ning Lisa sighed in her heart, it seems that the small abacus of asking for another 100 million will not work! It would be nice to keep the 500 million!

Gu Jungkook 's eyes were cloudy, and he was crazily calculating in his mind when she and wander knew each other.

At this time, Zhou Hoseok and other members of the Gu family also regained their sanity from the shock and dizziness.

Zhou Hoseok was a little worried to meet the founder when signing the contract. Unexpectedly, people are right in front of you!

I thought it was a business emperor x cute salted fish, but I didn't expect it to be a strong alliance!

I found something new!

Mr. Zhou was overjoyed and wanted to run around to tell the truth, but when he turned his head to see Young Master Gu's expression, his strong professionalism made him calm down instantly, and he lowered his head silently and reservedly.

—Why is Young Master Gu unhappy?

Gu Jungkook  looked down at Ning Lisa, his expression was not happy at all.

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