Ch 26

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Simple and direct seduction! Effective cure!

Ning Lisa  is quite confident in her face, body and charm.

If it doesn't work, there must be something wrong with the husband (sure)

Ning Lisa 's arm hooked Gu Jungkook 's neck rebelliously, and his half body was in close contact with him, a pair of bright eyes with soft hooks, very moving.

"Old~Kook~" the voice only turned a little bit, very sweet.

Gu Jungkook  has never had this level of contact with anyone.

Because no one dares to do that.

Only Ning Lisa .

He felt that his neurons were rapidly perceiving everything about her, and had a tendency to respond quickly. This uncontrollable feeling is very strange, and Gu Jungkook 's self-protection mechanism immediately developed a sense of resistance.

— cannot be influenced by this woman.

Gu Jungkook  looked at the person sitting in his arms, his whole body was tense, but his voice was flat, without any waves.

He also deliberately mocked: "What? Lilli, are you trying to crush me to death?"

Ning Lisa : "?"

Ning Lisa : Jungkook, how dare you say that I am sinking!

You are a dog!

Facing such a beautiful and delicious beauty, you actually only feel heavy!

It's like a dog can't spit out ivory!

Her fair and tender face suddenly became more sullenly flushed, but it looked more vivid.

Gu Jungkook  rubbed his fingertips unconsciously, touching the beads on her clothes.


And his fingertips were hot.

Fortunately, Ning Lisa  earned too much tonight, so her mentality was easily adjusted.

So she showed a cute and charming expression again, hugging his neck and shaking, "Husband, why do you say that about him!"

Ning Lisa 's sexiness is not pretentious, she almost wrote "I'm seducing you" on her face.

The air in her breath swept over Gu Jungkook 's Adam's apple, and the man went numb uncontrollably from the back of his neck.

"What are you going to do?" Gu Jungkook 's voice was tense like an arrow.

Ning Lisa  actually didn't know what to do next, she couldn't just take off her clothes, right? So she simply pouted at the boss's handsome face that no one dared to offend: "Husband, why don't you kiss me."

The moist red lips were slightly parted, with a little inexplicable fragrance. At this moment, the two of them were very close, even their breathing was entangled, extremely ambiguous.

Ning Lisa 's collar was also slightly open, her complexion was as white as a piece of jade, and she had just the right amount of flamboyance, which could be called charming.

She herself felt that she was simply a stunner.

Gu Jungkook  narrowed his eyes, mobilizing his proud self-control.

Then try to make yourself darkly think about the meaning of her actions.

Among the thousands of thoughts, Young Master Gu finally came up with a thread—whether Ning Lisa  had observed something, so he took this opportunity to test it out.

Luxurious life after swapping with unconscious husband/ liskook adaptation Where stories live. Discover now