Ch 4

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Ning Lisa lay flat on the bed, almost pouted with a smile.

She doesn't even know that the heroine still has this line? ? Homemade?

In fact, in the original plot, Gu Jungkook was accidentally lying on the bed as a vegetable for three years, which was originally a setting made by the author. Otherwise, theoretically, the brain function of a vegetable should be completely damaged, without consciousness, and can only maintain breathing and heartbeat. However, the boss not only has a clear mind and normal consciousness, but also the functions of his body organs have not degenerated, as if he was frozen at that time.

As far as the medical method can't find out the reason, it's completely set by the world. The purpose is to force the boss to be abused and blackened, and then rise up and crush him.

It's easy to guess the heroine's train of thought. The heroine of Chongwen doesn't need to explain why she cheated. She probably did it because she knew that Gu Jungkook would be able to wake up.

Ning Lisa thought it was very interesting, and Ding Tzuyu would probably come here often in the future, it was simply a ready-made pleasure.

When Ding Tzuyu came out of the ward, she also had a smile on her face.

——Although Gu Jungkook , who was lying on the bed, couldn't make any response, but she believed that her appearance had shone into his heart like a ray of warm sun!

Walking and walking, Ding Tzuyu met "Ning Lisa " who came back.

Gu Jungkook was holding a bag of things in his hand, and he glanced at her as if he was mentally handicapped.

Ding Tzuyu took the expression on his face as vigilance and suspicion, she quickly smiled: "Sister, I just came to deliver something to Aunt Song Lan, so I met you by such a coincidence?"

Gu Jungkook didn't have a deep impression of Ding Tzuyu , and the baby kiss that the elders in the family made more than ten years ago didn't mean anything to him.

Now he doesn't know, what exactly does this woman want to do?

Seeing that "Ning Lisa " didn't speak, Ding Tzuyu smiled heartily, and then her expression became more sincere and friendly: "Will you come to my welcome banquet? My brother has been very troubled in the preparations these days, and the venue has booked the best hotel. They also invited a lot of bands from abroad, you must come!"

Ding Tzuyu knew that the fact that she was favored in her new home would definitely irritate Ning Lisa , and maybe she would double abuse Young Master Gu when she returned to the ward.

In this way, Gu Jungkook , who was warmed by her just now, will feel her kindness even more!

Ding Tzuyu smiled.

Gu Jungkook also remembered—

Ding family.

Three years ago, an investment failure named Ding Kai came to him and almost knelt down.

Judging by age is her brother?

Sure enough, a nest of mentally handicapped.

Ning Lisa lay down all morning, making up for the sleep she owed last night, feeling her soul stretched.

He let out a big yawn with satisfaction.

"Are you awake?" A cold voice rang in my ear.

"Husband, you are here." Ning Lisa was obedient.

After she finished speaking, she felt a cold on her hands.

Ning Lisa's first reaction was that the boss was going to abuse her? He reacted in the next second, but he didn't need to hurt his body, did he? ?

Luxurious life after swapping with unconscious husband/ liskook adaptation Where stories live. Discover now