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Gu Jungkook left the back kitchen expressionlessly carrying the cake box.

Ding Tzuyu also followed, and specially prepared an extra set of silver knives and forks for him, with inexplicable encouragement in her eyes, " Lisa , go and stay with Young Master Gu!"

The harder you abuse, the more I can heal him~

Gu Jungkook :?

When they returned to the other building, the group of onlookers outside the ward were not eligible to visit, and had already been invited by the Gu family's servants to the banquet hall to wait for dinner.

Gu Jungkook walked outside the ward and saw his mother Song Lan walking out of the ward.

Song Lan is a strong woman, and the jewelry brand she founded is a time-honored gold brand in China. After the accident in Gucheng, she and Mr. Gu supported the group together and balanced the internal relationship of the Gu family.

However, no matter how much financial and material resources are poured in, Gu Jungkook can't wake up, and Gu's people's hearts are already floating.

Song Lan closed the door, lowered her head and wiped the corners of her eyes, and when she looked up again, she saw "Ning Lisa " walking over.

She covered her expression and nodded slightly: "Come?"

Gu Jungkook stopped in his tracks, and the icy depression from the exchange of bodies dissipated slightly, "Mom."

Song Lan was slightly taken aback. The phrase "Mom" did not expect her daughter-in-law to call her so affectionately.

Gu Jungkook could tell that although Song Lan was still exquisite and decent, her haggard eyes could not be concealed.

Song Lan recovered and saw the cake in his hand, "This is..."

The servants and nurses would put some food in Gucheng's ward on a regular basis, so as to make it more popular. Could it be that the daughter-in-law is so attentive? I was worried that she would have resentment...

Gu Jungkook also looked down, thinking why he brought the cake, his face turned dark.

Although he can't tell Song Lan about such a bizarre body swap now, he can pave the way and infiltrate Ning Lisa's personality in advance so that he can get a smooth divorce when he returns.

So Gu Jungkook said lightly: "Oh, I brought these to eat myself."

I almost wrote the words "delicious and lazy" written on my face.

Song Lan was taken aback. Is this kid honest?

She has been in a wealthy family for too long, and she is used to seeing all kinds of ladies and daughters, but she admires some girls who return to the basics, do not pretend, and are more real.

This child Ning Lisa looks good, if he can withstand some small tests, the Gu family will definitely not treat their daughter-in-law badly.

"Go and eat," Song Lan smiled kindly, "Remember to save some stomach for the dinner."

Gu Jungkook : "...?"

How come you look quite satisfied.

Ning Lisa lay on the bed and squinted happily for a while, then woke up precisely.

— Here comes the takeaway!

"Old~gong~" she called out in her head.

At this time, Gu Jungkook had just walked to the bed and stopped to make sure that she was not drooling with her face.

Luxurious life after swapping with unconscious husband/ liskook adaptation Where stories live. Discover now