Ch 32

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When they finally got off the deck, Gu Jungkook was expressionless, while Ning Lisa was very happy.

Of course the bodies didn't switch, because not long after pinching her nose, Gu Jungkook pinched her wrist and took her hand away.

Ning Lisa expressed her understanding very considerately: "Husband, it seems that your lung capacity is average."

In the last days, when they encountered unavoidable situations, it was not uncommon for them to suffocate underwater to hide from the tide of zombies. She remembered that Jimin could hold his breath for a few minutes.

Gu Jungkook said helplessly: "...I just don't want to test like this."

Now he dares to directly hit his face. If he really indulges like this, Ning Lisa will be much more lawless in the future.

Mr. Zhou and his bodyguards stood behind the cabin, smiling kindly.

- She is making trouble, he is laughing!

—Don't kill them!

The three-storey boat slowly rowed to the center of the lake, and Gu Jungkook and Ning Lisa had dinner together on the boat.

In the past few days, Ning Lisa has been feasting on fish and meat every day. Tonight, watching the moon and lanterns in the middle of the lake, he eats light and delicate food, which also has a special taste.

Gu Jungkook drank his tea and glanced at her.

Obediently holding the bowl and drinking the sweet soup, he licked his lips after drinking.

Sure enough, the only time this woman can be romantic is when she's eating.

After dinner, the surrounding scenery is almost the same, so it's time to go back.

Although the corners of Gu Jungkook 's eyes and brows were full of helplessness towards Ning Lisa , after he got off the boat first, seeing Ning Lisa jumping down without a tune, he still stretched out his hand to her, "Slow down."

Ning Lisa smiled and jumped into his hands.

That's right, the two of them want to love each other's body!

After all, in the current situation where the duration of the exchange is uncertain, the other party's is your own!

Ning Lisa pushed Gu Jungkook 's wheelchair, "Let's go, my husband, go home."

There was a slight smile on Gu Jungkook 's eyebrows.


After going back at night, Ning Lisa finally saw the news about Zhao Rose 's bombardment.

[Ah, ah, help, you guys are too good to eat! 】

[I admit that I just wanted to use your traffic to become bigger and stronger at the beginning, but now I am so fragrant! The president Gu Jungkook and the top e-sports players are both good, but the three together are even better! Vinegar in sugar is the deadliest! 】

Ning Lisa :? ? Wait a minute.

Why did you include Team Jim?

Don't put the heroine's plot on me? ?

For Gu Jungkook and wander, she thinks they can be summed up in that sentence—

Buddy, all buddies.

Both she and Gu Jungkook have been so active, and they haven't done anything that shouldn't happen. It's not what buddies are!

And Jimin is even more so, that is the big brother dei who died in the last days!

Luxurious life after swapping with unconscious husband/ liskook adaptation Where stories live. Discover now