Ch 35

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[Ah, Ding Tzuyu is too princess today! 】

[This arrangement is really dreamy, it is really an enviable life! 】


[I saw Sister Ning! 】

【Ah, Sister Ning, Sister Ning】

[I can only rely on some cracks to see Ning Jie, who understands this kind of suffering]

Today, netizens are very enthusiastic.

Ding Tzuyu 's grand birthday party can be watched live online. Because there are many popular guests, the viewing enthusiasm is very high, and the comments are constantly being refreshed.

When Ning Lisa appeared, it immediately skyrocketed.

Ning Lisa dressed very plainly today. A white knit dress, with clean and soft hair hanging down, but because the facial features are too delicate and beautiful, there is a kind of contrasting impact in the camera.

However, Ning Lisa 's purpose today is very clear, after tasting the cake and watching the fun, he will leave.

But the cakes from prostitutes are not very good. The butler and the chef uncle found a set of tableware for her to bring to Ms. Ding as a gift, and they will cook a big meal for the wife to celebrate in the evening!

The chef said, ma'am, take this with you. In case those ladies and daughters are not friendly to you, you can just take it apart and use it to eat cakes!

Ning Lisa was amused by them, but she could also feel that the people of the Gu family really cared about her, and even thought of Ning Lisa 's embarrassing status and poor situation in the wealthy circle for her.

So Ning Lisa took the tableware, got in the luxury car sent by her husband and went.

Arriving at the European-style palace where Princess Ding's birthday banquet was held this time, as soon as I got out of the car, the doorway was already full of clothes and temples.

The camera for the live broadcast has been set up, and it will be broadcast directly on their CMore.

Ning Lisa looked around and saw Song Nayeon with a gloomy expression.

The gift that Ning Lisa was carrying was very hasty, but Song Nayeon was obviously not so relaxed. In order to choose a gift that would not give Ding Tzuyu any hints, but also let the other party know that she chose it carefully, and grasp the relationship between her and Jiang Sehun, Song Nayeon couldn't sleep well these days.

Because of her tiredness, her light complexion became even more so.

Standing with the strong and bright Ning Lisa , the two complement each other very well.

Netizens found this scene pleasing to the eye:

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" 】

[The green eyebrows seem to be less depressed next to Sister Ning]

The moment Song Nayeon saw Ning Lisa , she was inexplicably relieved.

She thinks that a person's aura is really a wonderful thing. She knows that many high-ranking people also have a strong and cold aura, but Ning Lisa 's aura does not make people uncomfortable at all. It is a kind of calmness and calmness that I am used to seeing many scenes and look down on many things, so I only pursue happiness and satisfaction.

With Song Nayeon beside her, she felt less tense.

Ning Lisa smiled: "Relax."

Song Nayeon nodded, and then saw Ding Tzuyu coming over gracefully wrapped in the fragrant wind.

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