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Who is jealous?

Ning Lisa  even felt scolded by him!

But when she opened the black box and took a look, she immediately laughed hypocritically.

"Yes, husband! I just don't want you to accept gifts from other women! My heart hurts so much, I can't stand it!"

Just as Gu Jungkook  was about to curl his lips, Ning Lisa  said the next sentence heartbreakingly.

"—so I'll keep it for you! Okay?"

She had seen it, and what Wen Jieun gave was a watch, conservatively estimated to be worth a million.

And the gift for her must not be so expensive.

Huh hee hee.

Gu Jungkook  regained his expressionless face: "..."

This woman only has feelings for money!

Gu Jungkook 's emotions just now were immediately wiped clean.

Without making any comments on her exaggerated acting skills, she casually said to the gift box, "Take it."

Ning Lisa 's tone suddenly felt a lot more sincere: "Husband, I love you so much, kiss!"

Gu Jungkook  paused slightly when he heard the words.

Although their physical contact can bring about an exchange of privileges—

But dear?


He will not have such intimate contact with people.

After a meal, Ning Lisa  made a net profit of one million, and was in a very good mood.

Ning Lisa  hugged the two gifts and happily changed her body back.

Gu Jungkook  took Zhou Hoseok back to the company to handle the work.

Only Wen Jieun looked a little lonely.

Gu Jungkook  didn't say a word to her, did he just hate her so much...

But in those years, he was bedridden with no hope, and Wen Jieun couldn't give up his studies and career.

Isn't Ding Tzuyu  the same? Pushed out the original fiancée status.

It was precisely because of this that Ning Lisa  picked it up.

They are not reconciled.

After the meal, Song Lan helped Mr. Gu go up to rest, and the Wen family didn't want to stay any longer, saying that they would see you at the jewelry conference.

At the corner outside the living room, Ning Lisa  was stopped by Wen Jieun in a personable manner.

"Miss Ning."

After all, Ning Lisa  just received such a valuable thing from someone, and her attitude is very gentle and polite: "Say it."

Wen Jieun's feeling of being a big lady and a daughter of a famous family became stronger. He looked Ning Lisa  up and down, and then smiled slightly: "Miss Ning can untie the button, which I appreciate very much. It seems that Miss Ning is on my own. You have made a lot of efforts beyond your knowledge. Then you must come to the jewelry conference."

Cultural people really love bibi, just to say the last sentence, so much has to be laid before.

Ning Lisa  nodded: "Okay."

Not only because she agreed to Song Lan to be her jewelry model, but also because this year's jewelry conference kept pace with the times and actively promoted it on social media, and the media they chose was the successful and Gu CMore, which the group has cooperated with once. At that time, KOLs will broadcast live at the booth, and you can place an order to buy jewelry online.

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