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Later Ning Lisa  fell asleep for a long time.

She dreamed that the menstrual blood that had flowed all over her legs was wiped clean, and then handled carefully.

She dreamed that the chocolate cake that she hadn't snatched before also entered her stomach. It was bad quality but very sweet.

She dreamed that she was shooting guns and arrows in the last days, no longer a technical stream, but a combat power.

In the last dream, her thin body seemed to be going crazy, rushing towards the tide of zombies with thousands of horses and horses—

Returning from a gamble.

Ning Lisa  knew in her dream that it was Gu Jungkook  in her body.

Alone and fearless.

They even brought Team Wan back together like this, perfectly closing the door to the end of the world.

From then on, that world has nothing to do with them.

Gu Jungkook  dealt with Ning Lisa 's past embarrassment, and returned to her side with heart.

So - the swap mechanism has come full circle, and the two worlds and two dimensions cannot prevent me from blending with you.

Just want to see you.

want to love you.

will come across the world.

So, even if this dream finally made Ning Lisa  dream of the sadness of the end times.

But when she woke up, Ning Lisa  was still smiling.

She opened her eyes in bewilderment, and met Gu Jungkook 's lowered eyes.

It was deep and pitch black, suppressed by a deep blue arc.

I don't know how long I've been awake.

Ning Lisa  just wanted to raise her hand to rub her eyes when she found her arms were hugged.

Gu Jungkook  woke up a long time ago, watching her sink into the clean and soft pillow quietly, with a comfortable mattress and warm quilt under her body, sleeping soundly.

So Gu Jungkook 's excessively boiling and beating nerves finally calmed down a little bit.

It's just that his arms are still tightly wrapped around her.

Ning Lisa  moved, trying to pull out her two arms, and then opened them to him again.


Hugging is a two-way street.

It's like they're running towards each other, it's two people's business.

Gu Jungkook  lowered his eyes for a few seconds, then lowered his head and leaned into her arms.

Ning Lisa  hugged Gu Jungkook , smiled and patted his back.

The breath on her body was still stable, with a warm smell like the sun.

Gu Jungkook  hugged her and was also in her arms, his beating heart completely calmed down.

It's all over.

They are fine.

One exchange, it's me and you - reunion becomes us.

So Gu Jungkook  also reached out and stroked her back.

"Now we can say—" Gu Jungkook  kissed the warm side of her neck, "Good morning."

Ning Lisa  was so tickled that she shrank her neck and laughed, "Good morning."

Luxurious life after swapping with unconscious husband/ liskook adaptation Where stories live. Discover now