Ch 19

526 13 21

It is impossible for Ning Lisa  to sleep with a snake!

no way!

She hates cold reptiles the most. The skulls of zombies can be broken off at will, but she dare not touch the scales of snakes.

So I had to let my husband carry it. Anyway, Gu Jungkook  is not in good health and can't participate in this kind of activity, just to give him a little sense of participation^_^

So Gu Jungkook  faced the snake and thought about his life for a few seconds.

He shouldn't have asked just now.

Why is she not afraid of sleeping by herself?

After Ning Lisa  escaped from the scene at the speed of light, she was in a very good mood. Swapping bodies is really useful!

Sitting in a wheelchair, she drank Gu Jungkook 's unfinished herbal tea, and said softly, "Husband, you are so brave and powerful, you must be able to deal with it! I believe in you, you are my god!"

Gu Jungkook  didn't answer.

After all, one second he was still sitting and drinking tea, and the next second he was suddenly face to face with a snake. Without any buffer, being able to maintain complete composure was no surprise.

Now the distance between him and the snake is about two or three meters. If the distance is relatively close, it is best to keep still first, so that the snake has a high probability of not actively attacking.

Gu Jungkook  was expressionless.

Snake is also expressionless.

Only the audience doesn't know why.

Now Ning Lisa  has the opportunity to live broadcast the whole process, because this young lady's performance during the day is too wild and outstanding, causing almost everyone on the Internet to watch her, so the organizer urgently fixed a window for her.

While the audience was watching Ning Lisa  set up the tent neatly and prepared to go to sleep, they suddenly stopped at the entrance of the tent.

【What happened? 】

【What happened? 】

Ning Lisa  also asked with concern with what remained of her conscience: "Husband, what do you plan to do with it, my husband?"

Gu Jungkook  confronted the snake silently, but after a while the snake coiled up, looking reassured and planning to sleep.

Gu Jungkook : "..."

Why does it sleep.

At this time, the curiosity of the whole network has been fully mobilized, scratching their hearts to know what happened to "Ning Lisa ".

Until I saw the young lady with a cold expression walk out of the tent area, find the emergency staff of the organizer, and said flatly: "There are snakes in my tent."

The audience died laughing.

[The beautiful sister is not afraid of zombies but afraid of snakes! 】

【Ah ah ah it's even cuter】

The organizers dare not neglect. After all, zombie NPCs look scary but they are all controllable, while snakes are uncontrollable. This group of players belonged to wealthy young masters, and the organizers couldn't afford any of their accidents, let alone—this Miss Ning Lisa  is still Young Master Gu's wife!

While thinking of a way, the organizer wiped his sweat and rejoiced: Fortunately, Young Master Gu himself was not present at the scene! Or are they not done yet? !

Luxurious life after swapping with unconscious husband/ liskook adaptation Where stories live. Discover now