Don't leave me...mother

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A month has passed since Nathalie moved into the Agreste family house. Gabriel was too worried to leave her alone in the current situation. Nathalie had more and more dizziness, coughing fits and she couldn't even walk very far without collapsing to the ground, so she  agreed to Gabriel to stay with him and Adrien until her condition improved.

*Adrien pov*

It was quite in the house. Gorilla just brought me from school, and now Nathalie had to come down to inform me about my schedule. I waited 5 minutes, thinking she was busy or late, but nothing. I called her name, but no answer. I didn't know what to do so I approached to the door of my father's office and knocked. And no answer. I opened the door slightly, but I couldn't see anything, when I got a little closer to the entrance I saw a hand stretched out on the floor next to the table....NATHALIE!
I screamed as loud as I could. I ran quickly and saw my father's assistant lying on the cold floor. I shook her a few times, but in vain, she doesn't move, but she breathe, hard but breathe. I took the phone out of my pocket and called my father. REJECTED?! He rejected my call!!? And now...what should I do? I quickly entered the news channel and saw my father. He was in a conference with Audrey, that's why he didn't answer to my call. Then, if I'm alone... PLAG claws out !
I took Nathalie in my arms and slowly lifted her body from the floor. As usual, I jumped from the window of my room and headed to the hospital. I was running between the houses on the narrow and dark streets so that no one would see me, when Nathalie started moving her head slightly. I stopped and detransformed. I placed her lightly next to a wall and waited to see what she did. She was moving a little, rather she was shaking, but she couldn't open her eyes, she was too weak. When I picked her up again, I saw how Gorilla's car passed besides us with my father inside. I took out my phone again and called him.

"Father, I need you" I screamed trying not to cry

"Adrien, what happened? "

"Nathalie...she's not well, there was no one at home so I tried to take her to the hospital, but I can't anymore, help me." I said sobbing

"What? Where are you? I'll come right away to get you."

I told him where I was and hung up. I pulled Nathalie off the street and waited for my father's car to return.
It didn't take long and I saw a car stop next to me and Nathalie. My father got out of the car worried and rushed towards us. He took me in his arms and told me that everything will be fine from now on, then he took Nathalie's trembling body and put her on the back seat. I sat in front and let my father sit with his assistant. While we was driving, a terrible cough was heard from behind, as if someone was holding on to breathe. I turned around and saw my father holding Nathalie's head close to his shoulder with blood in his left hand. Nathalie opened her eyes a little and reached out her hand to my father's cheek. All I heard was "thank you" and then I saw her hand drop suddenly.
MOM, I cried out in pain.Then father raised his head amazed by what he had heard.


"Not yet, calm down son."

When we arrived at the hospital, my father ran with Nathalie in his arms, and a nurse took her to a salon. My father and I waited for several hours until a doctor came out and headed towards us. All I could hear from him was "I'm sorry, but she won't be able to walk from now on". I was stunned, so was my father.

"Father, is she going to be okay?"

"Son, call me dad, and yes, now wait for me here."

I stayed outside on a chair, and my father went inside. It didn't take long until I heard him calling for me. I got up and opened the door. Nathalie was awake and crying in my father's arms. I could not hold back my emotions and approached her.

"MOM! I'm glad you're okay, stop crying now we're with you, I'll never leave you."

" did you c-call me?"

"Mom" I said crying

Nathalie started to cry and smile. She turned to me and hugged me. Dad also joined. We were finally a family, a happy family.

The end

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