Finding miraculous (Part II)

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Emilie: Nathalie stay with me please, it will be fine.
Nathalie: ....mmm i~i'll try
Emilie:Look, we're almost there, you can see the tent.
Emilie: GABRIEL COME!! I need help!
Emilie: GABRIEL!!
Nathalie: Em~
Emilie: What is it? do you want to stop?
Nathalie: mmm..
Emilie: okay, just..just stay here, I will bring Gabriel

Then Emilie left Nathalie near a tree and ran towards the tent.

Emilie: Gabriel for the god s...what are you doing??
Gabriel: mhm...what do you want Emilie, can't you see I'm sleeping...
Emilie: Oh Lord Gabriel, come quickly 
Gabriel: just 5 more minutes ok?
Emilie: Nathalie... she can't wait 5 more minutes, come quickly she needs you!

Without asking, he got up and they ran towards the young woman who was lying unconscious. Gabriel lifted her slightly, seeing her wound and immediately took her to the tent.

Gabriel: What happened to her?? What are we doing...I'm not a doctor you are not a doctor and how are we going to find one here!?!
Emilie: You're not helping me at all by PANICKING!! see if you can find anything in her backpack...a guide..a kit, anything.
Gabriel: Ok ok, just stop yelling, you scare me even more than I am.
Emilie: sorry dear, just look for something.
Gabriel: Found it!
Emilie: What is that?
Gabriel: A first aid kit!
Emilie: Oh god thank you... bring it to me, I know to use it.
Gabriel: I wasn't even thinking of doing anything else, darling.

Emilie started to give first aid to the young woman with dark hair who was lying on the sleeping bag. She started by cleaning and bandaging her wound, and then he made sure that she was not injured in another part of her body. After a few hours, Nathalie woke up. It was already late, the couple was sleeping peacefully next to her. She thought for a moment until she remembered what she had suffered, she quickly looked at the wound and saw that it was bandaged, then she got up slowly so as not to wake the two sleepy lovers.

She ate and drank some water, after which she sat down again in the sleeping bag. She didn't feel bad, but she didn't feel good either, so she went back to sleep.

In the morning

Gabriel woke up before  of the two women. He got up slowly, kissed his love on the forehead, and then went to Nathalie. When he looked better, he saw that her face did not look very well. The skin was white, the forehead was sweaty, streams of water were running down her face and she had an expression as if she was going to vomit. He came closer and extended his trembling hand to her forehead. Was it boiling?! more like he burned his hand. He shook her several times calling her name, but she didn't speak, she just looked weakly at him. He asked her if she felt well, but all the woman did was shake her head. Gabriel could not resist when he saw that Nathalie was suffering so much. Plus, there was no way they could take too much care of her, especially in her condition. The man woke up his love, explained the situation.

Gabriel: We need to go!

Then they started to gather things and get on their feet.


Gabriel was holding Nathalie in his arms, and Emilie was trying to find the way out of the jungle. Nathalie had shown them the way on the map while they were walking. At the exit between the trees and bushes, a jeep was waiting for them, left by Nathalie for the return. Knowing that the two do not know how to drive, she did not take the car through the jungle, in order not to damage the only mode of transportation.

Not long after, they somehow managed to find the path that led to the exit, but it was difficult to walk, especially for the two strangers. They somehow managed to pass and reach the car, although their clothes were scratched and torn due to the branches and thorns that they did not avoid.

But even if they had reached the car, they...they couldn't drive it. Nathalie had fallen asleep due to fatigue and probably pain, and the two young men had never driven a car. They had no choice and gently woke the dark haired woman. She sat on the seat next to the driver and put Gabriel to drive. She tried to stay awake the whole way, to tell the man what to do.

After half an hour, due to the immense pain, Nathalie fainted, but Gabriel remained focused on the road. At one point Emilie screamed from behind. A dog had passed in front of the car. Gabriel got scared and suddenly pulled the steering wheel, the car overturned in a ditch. Black. Everything was black and red. The man moved his head, which was hanging down, a little, then looked to his right, seeing how Nathalie was sitting in the windshield of the car. Her seat belt was probably undone when the car overturned. It was a frightening picture. The woman who had helped them, with whom he had befriended, was now dead, full of blood and shards of glass . Then, scared, he looked towards his love. It was as if a boulder had been placed on his heart. Emilie was hanging down, pinned by the metal of the door. He couldn't believe what had happened. Better to die than to see that horrible sight, like from a horror movie.
He crawled out of the car, and when he tried to leave to look for help, he fell to the ground. An explosion was heard from behind him. The car was on fire with the two women inside. Gabriel was crying in pain. How could something like this happen... He put his hand on his head, and when he held it out...he saw how it was full of blood. Suddenly his vision became blurred and he fell to the ground breathless.

Nathalie suddenly woke up scared, as if she was trying to grab the air in the room, when she was breathing hard in panic. Gabriel and Emilie stood up immediately and took her hands, calming the poor woman.

Gabriel: It's okay, everything's okay, you're safe now. You have nothing to fear...just a bad dream that's all.
Emilie: It is. Now rest, tomorrow we return to Paris, you will stay with us from now on, she said smiling.

Then the three hugged before leaving Nathalie to rest for the trip.

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