The wish

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Nathalie pov

The blackness and silence suddenly began to dissolve. I could feel someone moving me, shouting my name in panic, but the sound was too faint. Finally, I don't think it took long before I could blink and see a little color. I exhaled as if I had given my last breath. I open my eyes a little wider, and my hearing returns to normal. The screams from earlier had turned into a cry, a feminine cry. I could feel a hand squeezing me tightly by my hand, I tried to move, but my body was immovable, it felt hard in the sheets. Then I focused only on my hand, concentrating I managed to move a finger, enough to feel that person's hand moving. I waited a bit and the person next to me got up, hearing the floor creak, but I didn't expect to see her. Suddenly I was petrified, as was my body. Was it a dream? Was I hallucinating? When suddenly it hit me. Ladybug, she had been here, I had talked to her...and then nothing. If Gabriel...

The end of the pov

"NATHALIE! oh dear are you ok? What happened to you? What are all these wires and monitors by your bed, you scared me!

"E-em...Emilie?"Nathalie tried to say but she was too weak in that moment

"Natalie? Are you not feeling well? What is it? "

She tried to answer, but someone else spoke for her.

"She'll be fine, she just woke up from somewhere far away, she needs some rest, doesn't she miss Nathalie?" said Ladybug

Nathalie just nodded

"Listen to me miss, you probably also realized what happened, I'm sorry, but that was his wish, I couldn't stop him. And as for you, I think the effects of the miraculous dissolve with time, now I'm leaving, take care of you ladies!"

"WHAT!! MIRACULOUS!? Nathalie don't tell me-" then se saw Nathalie crying

Emilie immediately felt bad and tried to calm her down. She wiped her tears and sat down next to her. Without realizing it, they both fell asleep.

Late at night, Nathalie woke up. She started to move her body as much as possible, managing to get out of bed. She took the crutch from the bedside table and slowly left, leaving Emilie to rest. Slowly and carefully she went down the stairs and stopped in front of Gabriel's office. With a trembling hand, she opened the door and went inside. She took a few more steps, but her body gave in right next to the place where Gabriel used to sit, at his monitor. Nathalie felt helpless. Although in the last weeks the two did not understand each other anymore and argued about everything, she never gave up on him. Even when she pulled the triggerat him, she couldn't pull it. She couldn't kill him.... Streams of tears began to flow down her face, looking lost in space, watching him from her memories as he sat and drew on his screen. A thousand thoughts and regrets rushed over her. Predominantly that "if". If she hadn't used the miraculous, if she hadn't left him alone that day, if she hadn't said those words to him on the phone, if and again if, that if that doesn't leave you. That word that makes you regret any decision, because if there was another opportunity, if he wouldn't have done that. But most importantly, Adrien. What should she tell him, lie to him again, finally tell him the truth. But if the truth is too cruel... she couldn't do something like this to him. But now he has Emilie, what was the point of her being there. Without Gabriel...her point was wasted. Her purpose in life had just ended, the only thing she held on to was gone.

In the end she managed to get up, leaning on the screen and headed back to the hall. Nathalie took one last sad look at what she called home. And she put her hand on the cold doorknob and gently opened the door.

"Stay" heard a whispering voice

Then, two pairs of hands hugged her. She let herself go soft to the warm touch and waited. After which those hands withdrew, this time holding her hand and helping her to walk.
She looked towards that person and saw him. That warm smile on his face.

Emilie held her tightly and helped her to return to the room. While climbing the stairs, she looked at her, seeing that she was looking lost in her face, but she didn't say anything.

I'm really sorry I haven't posted, I know it's late, but I hope you like it. I honestly don't know if I will write anymore, because while I was on vacation I had no idea, no interest in writing, but we will see. See you  soon y all!!

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