I don't want to die

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GABRIEL I DON'T WANT TO DIE, cried the assistant

I know this, calm down everything will be fine, he said in disbelief

It hurts

It burn


Please stop this...just

No, don't say that, the heroes are on their way, you just have to hold on

I can't

Yes you can

You are the strongest person I've met a Nathalie Sancoeur, it's a bit late but I have to say this


Nathalie, you made me the man I am now, you brought back my happiness since Emilie left us


Nathalie, I love you, I love you so much, I'm sorry it took me so long to realize how I feel

I love you too

Can you forgive me?

I forgive you

I'm sorry, if I had stopped I wouldn't be in this situation

It's not your fault

Yes, I always made you suffer

It's not true, I loved you from the beginning and I didn't-...

Nathalie? NATHALIE!! Answer...Don't scare me like that, please answer me

I'm sorry, Gabriel, but I can't anymore, it hurts too much

I know darling, I hate not being able to do anything, especially when you're in front of me

Gabriel, she said weakly


Maybe it's not the right time but. ..before I die, and looked back into his eyes

Nathalie stop, you won't die

Before I die I want, I want to feel your touch on my lips




How was it ?

Wonderful, thank you

Look I see the two of them approach

I lov-... then the head slowly fell, closing the eyes as well

I love you too ... he said as he looked back at her


hey can you hear me

Nathalie open her eyes!!

NATHALIE!! please .... he was desperate



no, not now, resist please

Fath- I mean Mr. Agreste?! shocked Cat Noir

Oh good, please help her, she's trapped in the car, I managed to get out, but I couldn't get her out too, please save her

Ladybug let me try something

Okay kitty

*Please don't die* Cataclysm!
Now get her out quickly

I caught her

Nathalie! Is she good? How is she??

Breathe, but very hard, kitty do you think you can-kitty are you crying?

N-nathalie...what did you do to her?!?! said the boy without realizing it

Son?!! Gabriel had just realized

Nothing, I swear, I was just coming to pick you up from school then a shot was heard, the right wheel broke, and Nathalie lost control of the car and hit this, luckily I escaped, but I think she tried to save me by pulling the steering wheel to her side

Wait a minute, we don't have time for that, Cat Noir, I mean Adrien take her to the hospital quickly, I'll take care of Mr. Agreste

Stop there! said a figure in the distance

Who- *shoot*


I'm fine

How could you!! then his father jumped in front of him

ADRIEN!! *shoot* then the figure disappeared

There was silence across the street, then police sirens were heard

DAD!! No no no

I'm sorry son, he said, dropping his hand quietly, he was gone

Dad, Nathalie....

Calm down Adrien

How can you say that!! Look...

gab-briel... a trembling voice was heard from behind
Then the two looked at the young woman as she pulled her body towards the soulless body of the man

I love you

wait for me...

...I'm coming ...

I promise that next time we will be together


She said her last breath with a smile on her face hugging the lifeless body.

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