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"due to the long time we shared,"

"perhaps it's just natural our expectations increased."


y/n laid in her bed, her covers tangled with her body. the words on her phone kept replaying in her head.

"y/n, let's break up."

tears escaped from her puffy eyes to her already wet pillow. she sat up, and looked at herself in the mirror across her dorm room.

"hah, I'm a mess. and it's all your fault." she joked, her voice croaky and broken from her breakdown.

knock, knock.

she dragged herself to the door, running her hand through her hair. when she opened it, she was greeted with a warm hug.

"hi heizou." she wrapped her arms tightly around him and closed her eyes. seeing her best friend immediately lifted her mood.

"i brought you snacks!" he smiled at her, a bag filled with her favourite food in one of his hands.

"thank you. i mean it." she replied, a tired smile on her face.


they sat cross legged facing each other on y/n's couch, discussing about the recent breakup.

"i can't believe he changed his profile picture too!" y/n frowned, stabbing her fork into her cheesecake. heizou hummed in response, his head resting on his palm.

"he is so selfish! he didn't even give me a reason why.." she ate the cake and pouted, chewing slowly.

heizou sighed and stuffed his hands in his hoodie, catching y/n's attention. she giggled at the gesture.

"sorry, i need to stop complaining. your turn. what's on your mind?" she straightened her posture and continued eating, awaiting the male's response.

"oh, nothing really. just an upcoming project that I need to finish," he recalled.

"do you want me to help?" she joked, causing heizou to stare at her, unimpressed. sure, y/n was average, but at times she can be a little lost and confused. especially in maths.

"yeah, sure." he replied sarcastically. they continued talking with each other until his phone rang.

"i have to get going." he stood up with his arms out for y/n to hug him.

"see ya." she waved goodbye to him as he exited her dorm. he smiled at her before waving back.


unfortunately, the next day was monday, which everyone hates. especially today, y/n dreaded the thought of school, for obvious reasons. xiao was in her homeroom, his seat was next to hers, his locker was next to hers. although she wanted to avoid him, she also wanted to speak to him about their breakup. y/n thought it was unreasonable to cut it off now, after all, their 4th year anniversary was next month. it was just so sudden and unexpected from him.

she slipped on her jumper and nervously headed to school, which was a short 10 minute walk from the dorms. she stopped by the convenience store on the way as an attempt to distract herself from her thoughts, and to eat something yummy. although today, it felt empty without xiao. the couple used to go everyday after class ended. she reminisced the memories, making her feel gloomy and miss him even more.


she sat down in the store, and began making the tteokbokki. she sipped her coffee, the warmth melting her cold hands. autumn had begun in korea, the maple leaves falling from their branches. she missed when xiao would randomly call her at 3am to go 'for a walk' but y/n knew he just wanted to spend more time with her. she stared at the empty seat, where he used to sit with her in the early hours of the day.

y/n ate her tteokbokki in silence, scrolling through instagram with the said boy on her mind.


she stiffly made her way to the entrance of the school, nervous from the thought of approaching her ex. her eyes scanned the building. the coast was clear. she then began her usual morning routine: talking to classmates, organising herself for the day, and running errands. she reached her locker and let out a sigh, opening it and taking out her books.

her eyes locked with a familiar pair of amber ones. the male's iconic red eyeliner enhancing his already attractive face. her heart was pounding from that small gesture. she frantically looked away at him and pretended to look into her locker.

thankfully, he walked past her, but she noticed a blonde female walking beside him. she intertwined her hands with his, and xiao closed his fingers around hers.

her heart stopped.


so, what do you think? :)

dw tho I had like a heart attack while writing this because I love him sm and I cannot bear the thought of betrayal, especially to y/n too, like man, their anniversary was next month...

anyways, there is more to come, especially next chapter ;)


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