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"we're not meaningless,"

"i'm taking a step forward."


— saturday | xiao pov 

"what took you so long?" the blonde rudely asked the male, locking her phone. xiao sat in the driver seat of his car, slamming the door. lumine jolted at the sudden noise, almost dropping her phone. 

"don't worry about it. let's go." he fastened his seatbelt, adjusting his hoodie before driving out of the parking lot.

"was it her?" she glanced at him, placing her hand on his. 

"she's annoying, isn't she?" she continued, turning to face him. xiao deadpanned. lumine smirked at his reaction, but switched back to normal as he turned to face her. 

"can we not talk about this, lumi?" he stared at her, his amber eyes glowing. this sent chills down her spine. she nodded, removing her hand and facing the front.


— 9:15am | y/n pov

when y/n had fallen asleep, the boys left her dorm, giving her space to sort things out. she woke up from an abrupt message:





hey y/n it's shinobu, just letting you know i'm moving in this morning :)


okay see you soon :)

read 9:17am


— 9:34am

knock knock

y/n got up from her couch and opened the door, a tall man standing on the other side carrying a tower of boxes.

"heya y/n!" itto smirked at her. the girl smiled back, greeting him. he walked into the dorm, almost tripping over his own feet. 

"you need help?" she glanced at the male, which he waved off. 

"nah, it's okay. kuki's got it" a rattling noise could be heard approaching the pair. y/n peeked outside her doorframe and into the hallway. a small figure was pushing piles of boxes on a trolley. as it neared, y/n could spot shinobu's emerald green hair behind the tall boxes. 

"hi y/n" she stopped in front of the door, wiping sweat off her forehead with her arm. y/n waved at her, smiling. she then helped with the boxes, considering there were a ton of them. 

"man i'm exhausted" itto collapsed on the couch, breathing heavily. y/n laughed at the man, shinobu stared at him, unimpressed. 

"itto you've barely lifted 5 boxes. c'mon we're halfway through. we can have food after" itto sprung up, suddenly energised and heaving multiple boxes at once. again, almost tripping over himself and dropping all the boxes. 

within a couple of minutes, the piles of packages were moved into the empty room, where shinobu would live with y/n for the rest of her senior year.


y/n called the duo for lunch which consisted of yakisoba, ramen, and fried chicken. with a sniff of the delicious food, itto dashed into the kitchen. he hastily sat down at the table, jumping in his seat like a little kid. she laughed at the gesture, handing him a portion of food and his drink of choice. 

shinobu had taken a nap, so y/n left her food in the fridge. the oni was already going ham on the yakisoba, leaving no stray noodles behind. he chugged his drink, giving y/n a side glance before putting it down. he gestured for her to sit down and eat with him. 

"so, how long have you guys been friends?" y/n sat down, opening her drink and taking a sip. he rolled up his sleeves before slurping the ramen, humming in delight. 

"hmm, about 5 years or so" itto replied with his mouth full. y/n made an 'ahh' sound, before also eating her ramen. 

the pair chatted and joked for a bit, and found that they had a lot in common, which made them the best of friends, like itto had previously said. 

— 11:25am

"y/n, my bestie, my bro, thank you so very much for this very filling and delicious meal." itto said, rubbing his stomach. 

"you're very much welcome, itto, my bestie, my bro." y/n stood up, bowing. itto grinned at the girl, fist bumping her before leaving the dorm room. 


— sunday

the rest of the weekend was very peaceful, just the usual lazing around and doing nothing type of day. at least, for most students. 

y/n sat in her room, curled up in her blanket. she was thinking about her interaction with xiao yesterday, which she found very odd. he was a completely different person, much like when she first met him. 

she recalled that he mentioned the name 'lumine'. curious about the girl, she jumped out of bed and grabbed her yearbook from her closet, flipping through the classes of the previous year. 'lumine, lumine, lumine..'  just reciting the name made y/n angry. when she found the blonde, she took a good look at her. next to her profile there was a blonde haired male, which looked identical to her, with the name 'aether'. 

y/n remembered seeing them walk together to school on some days. she assumed they were twins, considering their several similarities. 

she flipped further into the book, but a sudden knock on her door stopped her. sighing, she got up from her bed and opened it.

"y/n, you have visitors." shinobu stood in front of her friends, kazuha and heizou. her eyes widened at their sudden appearance. they held serious expressions on their face.

"we need to talk."


ooh cliffhanger~

i cannot wait for next chapter tho its gonna be exciting imo >:D

hope you're enjoying the story so far <3

have a great day/night :)

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