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part 1/2 mission

".. i will still feel the same way about you"


"this size fits perfectly." the lady smiled, walking away with the measuring tape. the tall male stretched his body, bones cracking from t-posing too long.

"thanks for the invitation compadre, can't wait to see your awesome suit!" itto held his fist out, y/n bumping it. nodding, she smiled at him as he exited the fitting room. her eyes fell onto the gorgeous man as he entered the room, her face in awe from his beauty. 

xiao lifted his arms slightly, the measuring tape slithering around his slim figure. he noticed that y/n was drooling over him, but instead of calling her out he just stood and admired the view. 

the lady nodded, bringing in a suit and handing it to the male, leaving once again to fetch something. he slipped on the dark jacket, adjusting the collar and buttoning it up. then he wore the matching pants over what he was wearing. y/n walked to stand beside him, looking at him in the mirror.

"i think this suits you well" y/n glanced at him, admiring his outfit. 

"..thanks" he mumbled, looking away and rubbing his arm. 

the lady came back with a variety of clothing sets, smiling at the pair. she placed the clothes on the rack and left to measure the others. y/n's eyes lit up at the majestic dresses displayed. xiao couldn't help but smile at her cuteness. she rummages through the rack, oohing and ahhing over the unique designs. 



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(omg i love these types of dresses)

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(omg i love these types of dresses)

rushing to the changing room with her chosen outfits, she changes into the one of them.

a while later, she peeks out of the curtain wearing outfit __. 

"xiao! what do you think?" y/n asks the quiet boy. looking up from his phone, he scans her up and down, hand on his chin. 

"i really like this one" he replies, smiling at her. beaming with energy and confidence, she grins at him before heading back behind the curtain. 


"this is heizou. kamisato, are the artillery weapons ready?" heizou put his hand to the ear piece. a static reply could be heard from the other side..

"heizou, we're only supplying you guys with communication devices and blunt weapons. not the entire army.." a soft but sincere voice responded. y/n adjusted her ear piece, overhearing the conversation between her friends. 

"aww i just can't help it. i feel like we're super spies!"he shifts his head to one side, pouting.

"hei, you know we can all hear you" kazuha spoke up, causing the group to chuckle and grin at the maroon haired boy. y/n checked her watch, '5pm'. preparations were almost done. they were just waiting for a certain grumpy friend to show up. 

everyone was complimenting each other's outfits. shinobu, itto, kazuha, xiao, heizou, y/n, then the last person had finally arrived. scaramouche wore the same blank face as he did, doing so in a fancy suit. 

"wow scara, never thought i'd see you wearing a suit" y/n teased, handing him a communication device. 

scoffing, he handed her a mask. on his way, he bought accessories for everyone, as the theme for this event was 'masquerade ball'. thankfully, the group had suitable outfits.


b + c

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b + c. 

y/n's jaw dropped at the beautiful object in her hands

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y/n's jaw dropped at the beautiful object in her hands. she tried it on, looking around for xiao. this time, he approached her. 

"you look stunning y/nie" he took off his mask, looking at her with his loving golden eyes. blushing behind her mask, she giggled at his words.

"why thank you, you looking mighty fine yourself" she curtsied jokingly, holding her dress with both hands, causing xiao to let out a small chuckle.

"alright everyone! mission vengeance is a-go!" heizou announced through the ear pieces. 

everyone gathered in front of the large gate which led to the main hall. as if they were VIPs, the metal barrier opened, a gust of rich air greeting them. heart thumping, y/n took the first step into the foreign place.



I need to write better smh 😪

sorry for being really really inactive. I've been on writer's block for 2 months and I've lost motivation, but I won't give up! 

I want to finish this book this year so I can start others (which will defos be way better)

thank you for being patient. part 2 coming soon! 

ily guys and ty for reading <3 have a good day/night 👋

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