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!!disclaimer: i do not ship any of these characters together except y/n x xiao obviously. enjoy <3


"so whenever you ask me again how I feel,

"please remember my answer is you."


y/n stood in front of her full length mirror, adjusting the belt on her jeans.

y/n stood in front of her full length mirror, adjusting the belt on her jeans

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'thoma said we would meet at 6:30 tonight.' y/n thought to herself, turning to check her outfit. she grabbed her wallet and phone, slipping on her shoes and fixing her jewellery. she notices the ring xiao had gifted her on their 3rd anniversary sitting on her desk. her face softened at the unforgettable memory.


"crap! today's our third year anniversary!" y/n cursed, jolting out of bed. she quickly grabbed her gift, wrapping it up last minute. she threw on a basic shirt with jeans, pairing it with her favourite converses. y/n sprinted out of her room, and in a matter of seconds she was in front of xiao's dorm, furiously ringing his doorbell. to her surprise, kazuha opened the door.

"oh, morning y/n." he spoke in his deep, raspy morning voice.

"morning kazuha. is xiao home?" she asked. the light haired roommate pointed towards xiao's room, signalling that the boy was still asleep. y/n rushed to her boyfriends room, quietly opening the door and climbed into his bed.

"xiao~ guess what today is" she whispered into his ear, causing them to turn red. he turned to face her, his eyes half lidded. now it was y/n's turn to blush.

"happy third anniversary y/nie~" he smiled at her, caressing her cheek. grabbing his face, y/n leaned in to peck his nose.

"you too, my love." she returned the loving smile.


"show me! what did you get for me?" she pleaded, clinging onto his shoulders as he rummaged through his desk. he grabbed a small gift decorated with ribbon and placed it in y/n's soft palms. she curiously inspected the present, without realising that xiao was waiting for his gift. he glared at her, crossing his arms.

"ahem. where's my gift?" he cleared his throat, making y/n giggle at his sassiness.

"okay, okay. we'll open them at the same time, alright?" she handed him his present.

they sat next to each other with their beautifully wrapped gifts, before opening them and staring at each other in awe.

"aww, i love it so much! thanks xiao, i love you." y/n was the first to react, hugging xiao tightly. he had gifted her a ring, a simple yet pretty jewellery piece. xiao on the other hand, received a necklace from his lover, which also simple, but matched his style. he hugged her back, mumbling an 'i love you' into her neck.

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