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[tw: fighting]

"so whenever you ask me again how I feel,

"please remember my answer is you."


y/n opened her eyes, the warm sun kissing her face. sitting up, she looked around the endless meadow surrounding her. confused, she stood up and walked around, searching for someone. who though? the soft breeze flew through her hair, her silky white dress flowing in the wind. 

turning around, she caught a glimpse of a certain cyan haired boy. he stood underneath the blooming sandbearer trees, admiring the beautiful sight. y/n ran towards him, jumping onto him and embracing him. they both fell, y/n landing on the boy. she hugged him desperately, crying onto his chest. shocked, xiao looked at the crying girl, holding her tightly.

"what's the matter?" he calmly spoke, stroking her hair. 

"why xiao, why?" y/n cried, tugging on his chest. "i thought you loved me, xiao. why did you-" xiao cut her off, pressing his soft lips onto hers. her eyes widened from the sudden contact. he let go, smiling at her.

"what do you mean silly? i would never break up with you, ever." xiao laughed at y/n. she got off him, sitting beside him under the tree. 

"do you really mean that?" her heartbeat quickened. xiao sat up and moved closer to her.

"really." he looked at her lovingly, wiping stray tears off her face. she put her hand on his, smiling back at xiao. 



"wake up." she awoke again, but this time to scaramouche, who was crouching beside her. 

"morning" he smirked at her. she shook her head, squinting at him. 

"again, with the squinting" he sighed, standing up. y/n frowned at him in response. she sat up, rubbing her eyes. 

"get ready. we have school, remember?" he exited her room, leaving her to get dressed. 


— 7:09am

as per usual, they stopped at the convenience store for breakfast. the pair selected their breakfast items, 2 flavoured milks and 2 ramens. after paying, they sat down with their prepared meals at the provided seating area. 

"hey scara, can i tell you something?"

"hm?" he slurped his ramen, glancing at her. 

"so.. i had a dream about xiao" she fiddled with her fingers, but proceeded to tell him the rest of her dream. he hummed in response, before giving her an answer.

"i'm no professional when it comes to relationships or dreams, but he probably wants to tell you something. and you miss him, but you can't accept his current relationship" he replied, looking out the window. 

she sighed, opening her chopsticks and eating her ramen. y/n didn't rely too much on scaramouche's answer, so she considered asking her other friends.

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