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"even if we're stuck in the same loop, should know that I'm always on your side."


for the rest of the week, y/n decided to stay at her dorm room and finish off her school work, which was difficult since she wanted to spend more time with a certain male. 

"i'm feeling lonely, oh i wish i'd find a lover that could hold me~" y/n hummed along to the popular love song, slightly bopping her head to the beat.

"now i'm crying in my room~" she chuckled at the line, recalling the time a certain someone broke her heart.

"i gave a second chance to cupid, but now i'm left here feeling stupid.."



a sudden knocking on y/n's dorm woke her up from her peaceful slumber. she opened one eye, sighed, turned over, and continued sleeping. the knocking continued, this time it was louder and demanding. y/n groaned, slipping on her pants and answering the door.

"took you long enough" her eyes widened at the familiar face. tears pricked in her eyes and her mouth trembled. she gripped the door, preparing to slam it on the unwanted guest. before she could do so, the male embraced her, wrapping his arms tightly around her.

"i'm sorry. for everything." his voice trembled slightly. he let her go, and turned to leave. before he could, y/n grabbed his wrist, pulling him close to her. she looked up at him, their eyes both glossy.

"you idiot! you're so annoying! why did you do that?" y/n punched the boy's face, but not hard enough to knock him out. xiao felt a stinging sensation on his face. maybe a tooth fell out? y/n embraced him again before crying in his arms. the male carried her to the living room, placing her down on the couch and hugging her once more.

"i was wrong about lumine." 

"obviously." he chuckled at her response, resting his face on her shoulder. 

"hey, you remember that time we saw each other at the convenience store? it was a couple of weeks ago so i'm not sure you rememb-" the sudden switch in position caught y/n off guard. xiao hovered on top of her, his cheeks tinted in embarrassment. he glimpsed at her flushed face before resting on her stomach.

"we don't talk about that. you must be delusional" he stated, clearly guilty of his actions.

"so, you didn't mean anything you said about her? that she's wayy more prettier, smarter, and better than i'll ever be? heh, i can't believe you protected her over me when we fought" she laughed at the memory. silence overtook the room. y/n reached down and started to play with the boy's dark hair. 

a light snore could be heard from the male. she looked down at the sleeping boy, a small smile adorning her face. she sat up slightly, kissing his forehead and continuing to play with his hair.


a particular maroon haired friend happened to be heading to y/n's place. heizou noticed that the door was opened, and peeked into the dorm room. to his surprise, he noticed y/n and another familiar person resting on the couch.

"knock, knock" he spoke, grabbing y/n's attention. she smiled at her friend, gesturing for him to come in. the male closed the door and made his way towards the pair. his eyebrows furrowed at the boy in y/n's arms. 

"what's he doing here?" heizou pointed at xiao, eyeing y/n. she shrugged her shoulders.

"anyway, i have a plan. a mission. though, we need people who can fill certain roles" y/n nodded, thinking of possible candidates. heizou had planned an infiltration mission. he planned to get back at the harbingers for deceiving his dear friends (oh to have a friend like heizou </3). 

— a couple of hours later

the pair had devised several strategies to successfully accomplish the mission, and they had chosen gifted companions to join them on this vengeful journey.

roles; (brackets - if they choose to join)

— fighters ; itto, xiao (scaramouche)

— outside support (e.g., if something goes wrong, these people will call for help); kazuha, (kamisato siblings, thoma, yoimiya) 

— main operators ; heizou, y/n 

— the mastermind(s); heizou (shinobu)

"according to scaramouche, the harbingers will be attending a party next week. most, if not, all of their members are going to be present at the celebration. apparently they recruited a new member. i'm assuming it'd be that blonde chick. though, she has her privileges. if i remember, she was dating tartaglia or something, who's already a member of the organisation." heizou thought for a moment. 

"wow, that's a lot of info. you're hella smart hei" he smirked at her response, resting his chin on his knuckles. 

"i have my ways" he grinned. with that, the plan would be finalised and with a couple more confirmations, the mission would be set in motion. 


(NOTE: if any of you guys are editors and want project files, i am giving away my most voted edit on youtube! my channel link is in my bio and votes close on 31st July, so pls vote to get the project file you want!)

xiao is a baby fr

wow! _xrained actually updated 'try again'? yes. yes i did.

sorry for not updating consistently, i've been lazy :P

but! i do want to finish this book and start another book, so lmk if you want me to write smth specific. e.g., if you want one shots, bf/gf headcanons, or another book 👀

(i have actually wanted to desperately write a book for scaramouche/wanderer cos i love him sm <33)

once again, thank you for waiting for another chapter, i can't wait to write the mission out!

i love you guys and i hope you have a fantastic day/night <333

try again ; xiaoWhere stories live. Discover now