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beep. beep. beep.

y/n heard a the faint noise of a heartbeat monitor, which became louder as she gained her consciousness. her eyes felt heavy, and so did her arm. wait, where was she? she gazed up at the ceiling above, squinting at the unfamiliar surface. 

"there you go again, squinting as always" a tired voice made her stiffen and sit up, but she felt dizzy and fell back into her bed. the weight on her arm had been lifted too.

"am i.. in heaven?" y/n closed her eyes, sighing.

"uh no you aren't, silly." a familiar voice spoke from beside her. her eyes widened, peering at him. although he was bandaged up, she could still recognise his warm, golden eyes. tears welled up in her eyes, blurring her vision and making her lip tremble. 

"xiao!" she sat up once again, hugging him. 

xiao smiled at her recovery, relieved that she was back to normal. y/n cried into his shoulder, her tears landing onto his shirt. oh how she missed him. this was scaramouche's cue to leave. y/n pulled away, holding onto his free hand. she noticed his other arm, which was bandaged.

xiao had fractured a few of his knuckles, though they were minor injuries compared to scaramouche. the purple haired male had gotten a concussion from being thrown around and fighting tartaglia. he also had multiple bruises and scratches from the battle on his face and on his limbs.

"..y/nnNNNNN!!!!" y/n sniffled, her name being shouted in the halls of the hospital. heizou was panting as he entered her hospital room, his maroon hair messy from running. he looked up to see a teary eyed y/n holding hands with xiao. 

"oh. was i interrupting something?" he was hit with embarrassment, turning to leave.

"no, you weren't, hei. come back here" y/n spoke, her throat feeling tight. heizou sat next to y/n on the other side of the bed, a look of sorrow evident on his face. 

noticing his unusual behaviour, y/n asked xiao to leave, bidding him goodbye as he went to the waiting room. 

"what's wrong heizou?" she leaned towards him, giving him a reassuring smile. he looked like he was on the verge of bursting into tears. he sighed, a guilty look in his eyes.

"it's all my fault, y/n. it's my fault you ended up getting hurt." he failed to meet her eyes, looking down into his lap. heizou ran his hand through his hair, then rested his face in his hands. 

she pouted, shifting closer to embrace him. 

"it's fine. besides, i enjoyed it a lot. i got to wear a really nice outfit, and i beat up that bitch lumine!" y/n excitedly cheered, squeezing him tighter. he managed a chuckle, enjoying being in her presence. heizou was lucky to have a friend like y/n. 

after a while, y/n managed to cheer him up.

"and then we got on this MASSIVE green dragon! it was awesome y/n! i wish you could've seen it too!" heizou exclaimed, giggling at the memory. she grinned at her friend, glad that he was back to normal. 

a certain purple haired boy stood at the door, watching the pair laugh from afar. he decided to walk to y/n's bed, leaning against the wall.

"how are you feeling, scara?" y/n glanced at him, smiling. he shrugged, sighing. 

"could be better," he muttered, returning her gaze and moving to sit beside her. 

y/n reached for her phone, checking the time. 10:00am. 'darn it.' she frowned, 'I have school tomorrow.'.

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