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tw: swearing, fighting.


"even if we have to go back a long way,

"i will still feel the same way about you."


"oi watch where you're- oh it's you."

"ah, sorry. wait, what do you mean?" y/n stared at the boy in confusion.

"what do you mean? we're literally in the same class." he folded his arms, frowning at the girl.

"huh? really?" she thought for a moment, trying to recall her classmate. it had been about 9 months with her class, but y/n had trouble remembering some people.

"are you that guy that sits at the back of the classroom?" y/n squinted at the male, "the one who is always getting in trouble?"

"you could've just said my name. or do you not remember? also why did you need to squint? we're not even that far apart." he sighed, his slender fingers brushing through his soft violet hair.

"the name's scaramouche, and i'm not always getting into trouble." he smirked at her. she grinned back at him. he noticed she was holding a few items, some that he wasn't familiar with.

"so what are you doing up at this time?" y/n tensed up at his question. she wasn't too comfortable telling scaramouche, considering he was a boy and would probably tease her.

"uh, how do i say this? um, so every month i get cramps and stomach pains and also cravings at random for a week, and that week just happens to start today. so i'm here buying snacks so i don't feel as crappy and um, necessary items to use for um, stuff." she felt her face heat up, embarrassed. considering she barely knew the boy, she felt even more uncomfortable.

"do you think i'm dumb? just say you're on your period." he deadpanned at her answer. y/n released the breath she was holding, relieved that he understood her situation.

"a-anyways, how about you? what are you doing at this time?" she leaned towards him, peering at his phone. he glanced at her, then looked back at his phone.

"nothing really. just my regular runs."

"at this hour?" he nodded, furiously tapping his phone. the male was playing flappy bird, a renowned game that y/n occasionally played. the bird hit the obstacle, causing the game to end. scaramouche sighed, locking his phone.

"nice meeting you scaramouche. see you later?" she stood up straight, fixing her hair.


the pair expected to go separate ways, but they both ended up going to the register together anyway.


'7:08am' y/n's phone read. she yawned and stretched, sitting up. she looked around her dorm room before getting out of bed. y/n felt rather relaxed and energised this morning, despite her recent breakup with xiao. she loved tuesdays, after all. it was a random day of the week, an in-between day that wasn't too stressful nor carefree.

mid brushing her teeth she remembered that she encountered scaramouche earlier that morning. she planned to talk to him more that day, since it was rather enjoyable.

as per usual, y/n went to the convenience store and ate breakfast, a gimbap with some flavoured milk.

nothing could ruin y/n's morning, or so she thought.


tw: swearing, fighting - start.


"take that back you fucker!"

"or what? you gonna bite my ankles, shorty?" the ginger haired male sneered at the shorter boy. scaramouche clenched his fists before driving them upwards into childe's jaw, then countering with a strong spinning kick to his ribs. he fell to the floor, before getting back up and holding his jaw.

"not bad for a weakling." a crowd of students circled the duo, chanting threats and recording them. they proceeded to fight, cursing with every punch. this obviously caught y/n's attention, considering they were fighting in front of the school. she peered over at the group of students, jumping to get a better look. y/n spotted scaramouche fighting, but decided not to intervene and looked away. she tried to get to her locker, however, the entrance was blocked by the overwhelming amount students, frustrating y/n. she pushed her way through the horde of people, being shoved in the process.

she let out a relieved sigh when she safely made it out alive, making her way to her locker.




the fight was broken up by the hpe teacher, and the two boys were scolded and sent to the infirmary for treatment. they were restricted from interacting with one another, and had been suspended for the rest of the week.

y/n walked to the infirmary, slightly concerned about the indigo haired boy. the fight was pretty intense to her, considering all of the tension between the boys. scaramouche stood outside the room, arms crossed and eyes closed.

"i thought you said you're 'not always getting into trouble'?" she teased him. he opened his eyes, glaring at the girl.

"shut up." he shoved his hands into his pockets, closing his eyes once again.

"man he really woke up today and chose violence" y/n sighed, "do they hurt?" the male reopened his eyes and took out his phone, checking his injuries.

"nah, but the thing i'm most pissed off about is that he ruined my outfit, and that pathetic insult" he turned his head, inspecting his face.

"what did he say?" she stood beside him.

"he called me an idiot, even though he was the one who bumped into me on purpose." he rolled his eyes, slipping his phone back into his pocket.

"next" the nurse called scaramouche in. he entered the infirmary, leaving y/n alone.


shorter chapter today - but scara 😍😍

also do you guys prefer longer chapters with less updates or shorter chapters with more updates? like if i write more, there will be less updates, but if you guys prefer shorter chapters, there will be more frequent updates.

thank you for reading <33

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