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"we'll be alright, 

i want to try again"


y/n opened her eyes, a cold silence surrounding her. she sat up, looking around for her phone. once she did, she was blinded with a heavenly light. squinting, she hurriedly turned down the brightness, standing up to turn on the main light. her eyes widened at the time: 1:00AM. y/n turned off her phone, rubbing her eyes when she suddenly noticed a note placed where she slept. she picked up the note, reading as she walked to her room.

uh, hey, it's scaramouche. you said you wanted to go shopping, so how about tomorrow?  we can meet at that big shopping centre near the school. oh, and here's my number: xxx-xxx-xxx

her lips formed a small smile at the boy's note. his handwriting was small, but readable. neat and simple. she placed the note down on her bed, getting ready for a shower, then a proper sleep.

— wednesday, 7:00am

y/n woke up, her body well rested from her slumber. she glanced at the piece of paper from scaramouche. 'oh right, i should call him'. she reached for her phone, still laying down, and typed the number onto her phone.




hey scaramouche, it's y/n

i got your note, can we meet at 9?


y/n turned off her phone, took a deep breath, and got ready for the day. 


mid brushing her teeth, she received a text from her friend.




oh hey y/n 

sure see you soon

read 7:08am

she gave a small smile at his reply, liking the message and continuing to brush her teeth.


y/n may or may not have spent over an hour deciding on what she wanted to wear, but she finally decided after consulting a couple of her friends.

y/n may or may not have spent over an hour deciding on what she wanted to wear, but she finally decided after consulting a couple of her friends

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