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"xiao! can you help me bring these boxes in?" y/n called from another room. the male hurried into the room, assisting her in carrying a stack of cardboard boxes. 

a couple months following their graduation, the pair decided to move in together. just the two of them, giving them privacy and plenty of time to spend with one another. xiao had recently bought a new house. it was a modern yet minimalistic building, just how they liked it. and for the price, it was rather decent. 

there was a master bedroom - for y/n and xiao to share, a study room, a living room, kitchen, laundry room, bathroom etc. all the essential things that a house provided. 

the pair had decided to move everything in on one day. they were excited and eager to live with each other. except, there was one problem: the furniture they ordered wouldn't be arriving for a few weeks.

"how much did you pack y/n?" xiao sighed, wiping his sweat as he put the last box down. she gave him a sheepish grin. let's say she completely emptied her room back at home, and brought everything with her to the new house. he jokingly rolled his eyes at her.

"c'mon, let's get some lunch." he kissed her on her forehead, holding her hand. considering the house was practically empty, they opted to go out and eat. where you may ask? 


the convenience store was the same as y/n remembered. osmanthus wine- 

the scent of the shop filled y/n with nostalgia. afternoons spent in this spot with xiao, her first encounter with scaramouche, late night store runs with friends. it was her favourite spot, and possibly xiao's favourite too. 

"ooh, look xiao! they have smoothie machines!" y/n pointed out, her arm wrapping around xiao's bicep. his eyes lit up at the sight.

"they're brand new! we have to try it out!" she pleaded, pouting while looking up at him. xiao grinned at her, patting her head.

"anything for you, y/nie~" with that, she sprinted to the smoothie machine, reading the instructions. first, she grabbed a cup containing fruits and yogurt cubes. then, she placed it in the machine, watching the cup disappear. whirring noises erupted from the machine, and in a few seconds, the smoothie was complete. 

"ooh~" y/n watched in amazement, opening the machine to collect her drink. ah, technology. xiao also got himself a smoothie. instead of getting their typical ramen and iced drinks, they got smoothies and sandwiches. as they headed home, y/n munched on her lunch, admiring the usual scenery. xiao felt unusually light headed and tired, probably from lifting those boxes all morning. 

"y/n, I'm tired, can we hurry and go home?" he rested his chin on her shoulder, hugging her from behind. growing flustered from his actions and sudden clinginess, y/n nodded, humming in response. 

— at the apartment

xiao yawned, slipping off his jumper and lying down on their shared mattress. the instant his body hit the cushioned surface, he fell asleep. 

'dayum, he's out.' y/n chuckled, admiring the sleeping male. she brushed aside his bangs, kissing his temple.

"goodnight, my sweet boy."

— a couple hours later 

y/n woke up from her nap, feeling a pair of arms wrapped around her torso. she smiled, recognising xiao's scent. reaching for her phone, she checked the time. '9:45pm'. 

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