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"even if we have to go back a long way,"

"i will still feel the same way about you."


due to the sudden suspension that y/n had received, she had been restricted from attending school, therefore she was stuck at her dorm for a whole week. of course, she didn't plan to stay inside the entire seven days. while she still had to complete her work like usual, she also planned to go out and do things.

—tuesday ; day after suspension.
y/n went out to do her usual convenience store run, and to buy extra snacks and food that were essential for her to survive the week.

as she was exiting the store, she noticed a familiar figure heading her way. they looked back at her with small eyes.

"why you squinting?" she shouted from across the street.

"the sun's in my eyes" the violet male replies. she looks up at the cloudy sky, then back to scaramouche.

"right." she replied sarcastically.

he noticed the multiple bags that y/n was heaving. he ran past her, grabbing a shopping trolley and pushing it towards the girl. scaramouche helped transfer the bags into the cart, grinning at her proudly.

"what?" she raised a brow at the male, noticing his random smile.

"y/n, you beat the shit outta that bitch" he glanced at her "that's pretty impressive". she smiled at him, her smile slowly fading at the thought of a certain male. after what had happened with lumine, xiao would definitely hate her for what she did. and, of course, the fact that she had allegedly cheated on him. scaramouche placed the last bag into the trolley, pushing it, causing y/n to snap out of her haze.

"not gonna lie, she looked like a bruised potato" the male suddenly burst into laughter, y/n chuckling and wheezing at his hilarious remark. after walking for a bit and making fun of the girl's tattered face, the pair stopped at a nearby park.

"aren't you supposed to be at school?" y/n questioned scaramouche, swings creaking as they swung past each other. 

"nah, i don't feel like going" he stared forward blankly.

"i thought you were 'trying not to fail'?" she raised an eyebrow at him, mimicking a famous meme. he frowned at y/n and her mocking behaviour. suddenly, he jumped off the swing, shoving his hands in his pockets, and proceeded to walk away from her.

she smirked at his childish behaviour. 'i never expected him to act like this' she laughed to herself for a bit, before taking the trolley and walking off in the opposite direction.

"tis alright, my dear friend. i can hang out by myself, and i can call my other friends over. i'm gonna go shopping and have fun without you~" she exaggerated the last part, shouting so he could hear her. oh how scaramouche desperately wanted to punch her annoying face.

"but, my dear friend, all of your other friends are dedicated to their schoolwork, and are terribly busy during the day" he said with a know-it-all tone. he swung his head, looking at her with a smug grin. the sudden realisation hit y/n, causing her to stop in her tracks and turn around to face her friend.

"but, there is an exception" he pointed at himself. she rolled her eyes at his glorious statement, gesturing him to follow her. scaramouche grinned at her defeat, catching up to her.


they arrived back at y/n's dorm, unpacking the items that she purchased on the kitchen counter. scaramouche held a confused expression at the amount of things she bought.

"all this for one week?" he picked up a box of ramen, judging it as he placed it down. she peered over at him, nodding.

"you know how to cook, but you choose to buy food from the convenience store instead?" she frowned at his statement. it's true, while y/n did take cooking lessons in school, she preferred to eat stuff from shops. after all, they taste way better than what she could make. thoma also took cooking lessons and they were in the same class for a few years, which is why they know each other. 

"i cook when i want to" y/n continued, stashing her snacks away in her pantry.



the pair originally decided that they would finish some work they had, then go for lunch afterwards. well, that didn't go to plan, like how most of their other plans went. they managed to work for a solid hour, but y/n lost focus due to her unbearable hunger. she stretched her arms in front of her, getting up and walking to the kitchen. pouring herself a cup of coffee, she glanced around her shared dorm. she noticed the faint sound of music coming from kuki's room. shinobu always had music playing when she was home, even when she was sleeping, which was concerning. though, y/n just assumed it helped her sleep. 

she poured the remaining hot water into her ramen bowl, placing her wooden chopsticks on top of the lid. y/n headed towards the living room, coffee in hand. she sat down and opened netflix, scrolling through the shows that were available. after pressing the 'next' button for what seemed like a hundred times, she decided to get her ramen. 

y/n sat back down on her comfortable couch, ramen beside her on the table. in the end, she watched shrek. then shrek 2. then shrek 3. 


y/n was too invested in the shrek series that she forgot to do her school work. scaramouche on the other hand, managed to complete most of his work in the 5 hours that y/n was watching shrek. he walked out of the study room into the main living room, where he found her passed out. he glanced at the tv, the end credits of shrek 3 playing in the empty room. scaramouche gently smiled at her sleeping body before nudging her, waking her up. 

"tell me, how much work did you do?" he tilted his head to look at her awakening face, her eyelids fluttering open and shut. 

she fell asleep, again.

scaramouche sighed, going to her room and fetching a blanket. he placed the cover over her, taking her cup and bowl to the sink. he returned, placing a note next to her before heading towards the door. scaramouche gave her one last glance, closing the door and leaving her dorm. 


i'm back kinda?

but ayy 2k reads!

i know i've been on and off with these chapter updates so thank you for being patient

also i might create a new book for 5-7k reads on this book

lemme know who you want cos i already have kazuha and scaramouche book ideas 😏 

thanks for reading, hope you're enjoying it so far and have an awesome day/night <33

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