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[a/n; there will be swearing in this chapter as well as future chapters (as per the character's personalities)]

"..and i'm telling you what the past has shown us."


"we need to talk." her maroon haired friend spoke. y/n gulped, opening her door to let them in. they sat crosslegged on the floor in silence, awaiting what he had to say.

"first off, i have some good news." heizou cleared his throat, clasping his hands. y/n fiddled with her fingers, her heart racing. "it turns out that xiao was set up. he never wanted to break up with you, and was forced to do it. in other words, manipulated." he continued, pulling out his laptop from his backpack. she let out a relieved sigh. deep down she knew that xiao wouldn't actually break up with her.

"why you may ask? well, based off the information i've gathered from the past week, someone else also liked xiao when he dated y/n. that person is known as lumine." upon hearing the girl's name, y/n jolted her head towards heizou.

"that's the girl xiao's hanging out with!" she added.

"correct, and she's been spotted with him on several occasions. but, there's rumours about her dating a ginger haired male." he said, typing on his laptop and showing the pair a photo. y/n gasped, remembering something.

"scaramouche fought him the other day" 

"are they friends? perhaps enemies?" kazuha asked the girl.

"i dunno" she shrugged. 

"are you guys close?" heizou rested his hand on his chin.

"ehh, how do i say this? we only met on tuesday and we're kinda friends?"

"are you able to invite him over?" the maroon haired boy asked, eyes focused on his laptop screen. y/n froze. she didn't have his phone number. she shook her head, sighing. 

knock knock

y/n stood up to open the front door, excusing herself.

"oh, what a coincidence" she smiled at the boy.

"i brought you food." he handed her a bag of snacks. 

"what for?" she grabbed the bag, looking at the violet haired boy.

"you were crying yesterday" he looked at her.  

"wha- how do you know?" 


— saturday; at the convenience store

"it doesn't matter, forget it." xiao released his grip, throwing the girl's hand aside. he left the aisle with his items, heading to the register. scaramouche entered the store, noticing the crying girl. at first, he frowned at the sight, not knowing it was his friend. at second glance, he recognised her, and went to comfort her. 

"hey, are you alright? sorry i couldn't come sooner. i didn't want to disrupt." y/n looked up to see an unfamiliar green haired girl around her age. at this point, scaramouche regretted even going to the store. to him, this situation was embarrassing to be in. he pursed his lips, and pretended to look at something in the aisle.

"n-no it's alright.." she sniffed, her puffy eyes making it hard to see. the girl helped y/n to her feet, grabbing her dropped items. scaramouche felt guilty. he had failed to help his only friend.

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