First Time - Jeongin

20.9K 113 171

I.N x reader


Word count: 1.7k

Trigger warnings: loses virginity, fingering, protected sex, penetration, blow job, ball play, riding dick.



SHIT SHIT SHIT, you forgot you're clothes in your dorm. You wrap the towel around you and check the hallway for people. The coast was clear, and you ran down the hallway, looking back to check once more you were in the clear. As you turn the corner on the home stretch to your dorm, you hit what felt like a wall knocking you to the ground.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry" you hadn't even noticed your towel was undone. You look up as he turns around, and his eyes widen.

"Umm, excuse me", and he looks at your naked body up and down. You follow his eyes down. You quickly cover yourself. The embarrassment you felt was something you can't explain, your hand were shaking, and your face was as red as a tomato.

"I am soooooo sorry" you close your eyes in shame. If you can't see him, you hope he will just leave.

"It's okay", he laughs ", not what I was expecting walking back to my dorm tonight....but umm, you are really pretty" you opened one eye just to see what his face looked like. He was smiling awkwardly with one hand massaging the back of his neck.

"Did you really just call me pretty" looking at him. His face, too, was red. This was too awkward. You needed to get back up.

You get up off the floor this time. You are so careful as not to flash him again. You find him still staring in shock at you. "I, umm, have to go" you walk off quickly, your dorm only two doors down.

"Shit, it's locked," you say under your breath. You start knocking, knowing your roommate is inside.

"Amber, open up", you can hear a man's voice.

"Amber do you have a guy in there" she doesn't answer, but you can hear her giggling.

"I think my roommate is in there with yours" he smiles as he looks for his keys. "Did you want to come in...I can give you a T-shirt."

You didn't really have an option, so "sure, thank you, that would be amazing" you did think about getting your clothes from the bathroom; however, they were absolutely soaking from all the rain.

"Here, come on in" he smiles as he swings open the door.

He walks over to his cupboard and pulls out an oversized T-shirt.

"Here, you can wear this. I'll grab some shorts" he walks over to his drawers and pulls out some soccer shorts. "They may be a little baggy sorry" he places them on the bed.

"I'll turn around. You let me know when you are ready, okay" he faces the wall. You are so hesitant to put on the clothes. They smell so lovely and clean. WHO IS THIS GUY?

You unwrap your towel and quickly throw on the shorts and shirt. "Okay, you can turn around now" he slowly turns and gulps.

'I'm jeongin, by the way" he was trying to change the subject. It was cute, honestly.

"Y/N..... thank you for the clothes."

"Please make yourself comfortable", he says, pointing to his bed.

"Haha, thank you" you sit on the bed, and he comes to sit on the edge.

"I'm sorry I'm so awkward. I've uh never had a girl wear my clothes before. He does an awkward smile.

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